Katarina Polajnar Horvat
Katarina Polajnar Horvat
Research Center of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
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Citované v
Citované v
The missing pillar: Eudemonic values in the justification of nature conservation
RJG Van Den Born, B Arts, J Admiraal, A Beringer, P Knights, E Molinario, ...
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61 (5-6), 841-856, 2018
What makes you a ‘hero’for nature? Socio-psychological profiling of leaders committed to nature and biodiversity protection across seven EU countries
M Scopelliti, E Molinario, F Bonaiuto, M Bonnes, L Cicero, S De Dominicis, ...
Journal of environmental planning and management 61 (5-6), 970-993, 2018
The extended Value-Belief-Norm theory predicts committed action for nature and biodiversity in Europe
F Fornara, E Molinario, M Scopelliti, M Bonnes, F Bonaiuto, L Cicero, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 81, 106338, 2020
Motivations to act for the protection of nature biodiversity and the environment: A matter of “Significance”
E Molinario, AW Kruglanski, F Bonaiuto, M Bonnes, L Cicero, F Fornara, ...
Environment and Behavior 52 (10), 1133-1163, 2020
The beauty of landforms
A Smrekar, KP Horvat, B Erhartič
Acta geographica Slovenica 56 (2), 321–335-321–335, 2016
Urban public spaces as restorative environments: the case of Ljubljana
K Polajnar Horvat, D Ribeiro
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (3), 2159, 2023
Issues surrounding behavior towards discarded textiles and garments in Ljubljana
K Polajnar Horvat, K Šrimpf Vendramin
Sustainability 13 (11), 6491, 2021
Okolju prijazno vedenje
K Polajnar Horvat
Ljubljana: ZRC Publishing House, 2015
Stakeholder analysis for (Mediterranean) wetland governance: the case of Ljubljansko Barje Nature Park, Slovenia
A Smrekar, K Polajnar Horvat, D Ribeiro
Participatory research and planning in practice, 169-184, 2020
People-centred development of a smart waste bin
J Guna, KP Horvat, D Podjed
Sensors 22 (3), 1288, 2022
Razvoj okoljske miselnosti v Sloveniji
KP Horvat
Geografski vestnik 81 (2), 71-81, 2009
Terasirane pokrajine: ob sedemdesetletnici Geografskega inštituta Antona Melika ZRC SAZU
D Kladnik, M Topole, B Komac, A Smrekar, L Lapuh, A Trobec, I Kumer, ...
Založba ZRC, 2016
Use of voluntary environmental contracts for wetland governance in the European Mediterranean region
L Ernoul, P Vera, G Gusmaroli, S Muccitelli, C Pozzi, S Magaudda, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 73 (10), 1166-1173, 2021
The wetland contract as a tool for successful wetland governance: A case study of Ljubljansko Barje Nature Park, Slovenia
K Polajnar Horvat, A Smrekar
Sustainability 13 (1), 425, 2021
The geography of urban environmental protection in Slovenia: The case of Ljubljana
A Smrekar, MB Valjavec, KP Horvat, J Tiran
Acta geographica Slovenica 59 (3), 7–70-7–70, 2019
Skrb za pitno vodo
B Jamnik, M Janža, A Smrekar, MB Valjavec, S Cerar, C Cosma, ...
Založba ZRC, 2014
Vloga socialnih dejavnikov pri razvoju okoljske ozaveščenosti in spreminjanju okoljskega vedenja
K Polajnar Horvat
Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za psihologijo, 2014
Inovativna strategija trajnostnega razvoja Občine Idrija
J Nared, A Smrekar, D Bole, J Kozina, J Fridl, KP Horvat, M Gabrovec, ...
Geografski inštitut Antona Melika, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske …, 2011
Promises and limits of participatory urban greens development: Experience from Maribor, Budapest, and Krakow
M Pogačar, J Fakin Bajec, K Polajnar Horvat, A Smrekar, J Tiran
Participatory research and planning in practice, 75-89, 2020
Triglav National Park, Slovenia, and its contribution to regional development
M Gabrovec, B Komac, J Kozina, K Polajnar Horvat, J Nared, A Smrekar, ...
Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 9, 57-65, 2017
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