Achim Kohler
Achim Kohler
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Resonant Mie scattering (RMieS) correction of infrared spectra from highly scattering biological samples
P Bassan, A Kohler, H Martens, J Lee, HJ Byrne, P Dumas, E Gazi, ...
Analyst 135 (2), 268-277, 2010
Extended multiplicative signal correction in vibrational spectroscopy, a tutorial
NK Afseth, A Kohler
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 117, 92-99, 2012
Optimizing Savitzky–Golay parameters for improving spectral resolution and quantification in infrared spectroscopy
B Zimmermann, A Kohler
Applied spectroscopy 67 (8), 892-902, 2013
Sensory qualities of whole wheat pan bread—influence of farming system, milling and baking technique
I Kihlberg, L Johansson, A Kohler, E Risvik
Journal of Cereal Science 39 (1), 67-84, 2004
Estimating and correcting Mie scattering in synchrotron-based microscopic Fourier transform infrared spectra by extended multiplicative signal correction
A Kohler, J Sulé-Suso, GD Sockalingum, M Tobin, F Bahrami, Y Yang, ...
Applied spectroscopy 62 (3), 259-266, 2008
Application of PLS‐DA in multivariate image analysis
S Chevallier, D Bertrand, A Kohler, P Courcoux
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 20 (5), 221-229, 2006
Heat-induced changes in myofibrillar protein structures and myowater of two pork qualities. A combined FT-IR spectroscopy and low-field NMR relaxometry study
HC Bertram, A Kohler, U Böcker, R Ofstad, HJ Andersen
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 (5), 1740-1746, 2006
Extended multiplicative signal correction as a tool for separation and characterization of physical and chemical information in Fourier transform infrared microscopy images of …
A Kohler, C Kirschner, A Oust, H Martens
Applied spectroscopy 59 (6), 707-716, 2005
FTIR spectroscopy for evaluation and monitoring of lipid extraction efficiency for oleaginous fungi
K Forfang, B Zimmermann, G Kosa, A Kohler, V Shapaval
PloS one 12 (1), e0170611, 2017
FT-IR spectroscopy for identification of closely related lactobacilli
A Oust, T Møretrø, C Kirschner, JA Narvhus, A Kohler
Journal of microbiological methods 59 (2), 149-162, 2004
RMieS‐EMSC correction for infrared spectra of biological cells: Extension using full Mie theory and GPU computing
P Bassan, A Kohler, H Martens, J Lee, E Jackson, N Lockyer, P Dumas, ...
Journal of biophotonics 3 (8‐9), 609-620, 2010
FTIR microscopy of biological cells and tissue: data analysis using resonant Mie scattering (RMieS) EMSC algorithm
P Bassan, A Sachdeva, A Kohler, C Hughes, A Henderson, J Boyle, ...
Analyst 137 (6), 1370-1377, 2012
Model‐based pre‐processing in Raman spectroscopy of biological samples
KH Liland, A Kohler, NK Afseth
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 47 (6), 643-650, 2016
Infrared spectroscopy of pollen identifies plant species and genus as well as environmental conditions
B Zimmermann, A Kohler
PLoS One 9 (4), e95417, 2014
Explorative Multifactor Approach for Investigating Global Survival Mechanisms of Campylobacter jejuni under Environmental Conditions
B Moen, A Oust, Ø Langsrud, N Dorrell, GL Marsden, J Hinds, A Kohler, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 71 (4), 2086-2094, 2005
Influence of aging and salting on protein secondary structures and water distribution in uncooked and cooked pork. A combined FT-IR microspectroscopy and 1H NMR relaxometry study
Z Wu, HC Bertram, A Kohler, U Böcker, R Ofstad, HJ Andersen
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 (22), 8589-8597, 2006
Biochemical profiling, prediction of total lipid content and fatty acid profile in oleaginous yeasts by FTIR spectroscopy
V Shapaval, J Brandenburg, J Blomqvist, V Tafintseva, V Passoth, ...
Biotechnology for biofuels 12, 1-12, 2019
Fourier Transform Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy for Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes Strains
A Oust, T Møretrø, K Naterstad, GD Sockalingum, I Adt, M Manfait, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72 (1), 228-232, 2006
Revealing covariance structures in Fourier transform infrared and Raman microspectroscopy spectra: A study on pork muscle fiber tissue subjected to different processing parameters
U Böcker, R Ofstad, Z Wu, HC Bertram, GD Sockalingum, M Manfait, ...
Applied Spectroscopy 61 (10), 1032-1039, 2007
Fish oil supplementation alters the plasma lipidomic profile and increases long-chain PUFAs of phospholipids and triglycerides in healthy subjects
I Ottestad, S Hassani, GI Borge, A Kohler, G Vogt, T Hyötyläinen, M Orešič, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42550, 2012
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