MB Sarkar
MB Sarkar
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Knowledge transfer through inheritance: Spin-out generation, development, and survival
R Agarwal, R Echambadi, AM Franco, MB Sarkar
Academy of Management journal 47 (4), 501-522, 2004
Intermediaries and cybermediaries: a continuing role for mediating players in the electronic marketplace
MB Sarkar, B Butler, C Steinfield
Journal of computer-mediated communication 1 (3), 1-14, 1995
The influence of complementarity, compatibility, and relationship capital on alliance performance
MB Sarkar, R Echambadi, ST Cavusgil, PS Aulakh
Journal of the academy of marketing science 29, 358-373, 2001
Do international acquisitions by emerging-economy firms create shareholder value? The case of Indian firms
SR Gubbi, PS Aulakh, S Ray, MB Sarkar, R Chittoor
Journal of International Business Studies 41, 397-418, 2010
Alliance entrepreneurship and firm market performance
MB Sarkar, RAJ Echambadi, JS Harrison
Strategic management journal 22 (6‐7), 701-711, 2001
The process of creative construction: knowledge spillovers, entrepreneurship, and economic growth
R Agarwal, D Audretsch, MB Sarkar
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1 (3‐4), 263-286, 2007
The conditioning effect of time on firm survival: An industry life cycle approach
R Agarwal, MB Sarkar, R Echambadi
Academy of Management Journal 45 (5), 971-994, 2002
Knowledge spillovers and strategic entrepreneurship
R Agarwal, D Audretsch, MB Sarkar
Strategic entrepreneurship journal 4 (4), 271-283, 2010
Process capabilities and value generation in alliance portfolios
MB Sarkar, PS Aulakh, A Madhok
Organization science 20 (3), 583-600, 2009
Third-world copycats to emerging multinationals: Institutional changes and organizational transformation in the Indian pharmaceutical industry
R Chittoor, MB Sarkar, S Ray, PS Aulakh
Organization Science 20 (1), 187-205, 2009
Cybermediaries in electronic marketspace: toward theory building
M Sarkar, B Butler, C Steinfield
Journal of Business Research 41 (3), 215-221, 1998
International expansion of telecommunication carriers: The influence of market structure, network characteristics, and entry imperfections
MB Sarkar, ST Cavusgil, PS Aulakh
Journal of International Business Studies 30, 361-381, 1999
Performance implications of outsourcing for technological innovations: managing the efficiency and adaptability trade‐off
C Weigelt, MB Sarkar
Strategic Management Journal 33 (2), 189-216, 2012
Swift and smart: the moderating effects of technological capabilities on the market pioneering–firm survival relationship
AM Franco, MB Sarkar, R Agarwal, R Echambadi
Management Science 55 (11), 1842-1860, 2009
Trends in international business thought and literature: A review of international market entry mode research: Integration and synthesis
M Sarkar, ST Cavusgil
The International Executive 38 (6), 825-847, 1996
Learning from supply-side agents: The impact of technology solution providers' experiential diversity on clients' innovation adoption
C Weigelt, MB Sarkar
Academy of Management Journal 52 (1), 37-60, 2009
The strategic role of relational bonding in interorganizational collaborations: An empirical study of the global construction industry
MB Sarkar, PS Aulakh, ST Cavusgil
Journal of international management 4 (2), 85-107, 1998
Knowledge, firm boundaries, and innovation: Mitigating the incumbent's curse during radical technological change
R Roy, MB Sarkar
Strategic Management Journal 37 (5), 835-854, 2016
The effect of the innovative environment on exit of entrepreneurial firms
MB Sarkar, R Echambadi, R Agarwal, B Sen
Strategic Management Journal 27 (6), 519-539, 2006
A commitment-trust mediated framework of international collaborative venture performance
M Sarkar, ST Cavusgil, C Evirgen
Cooperative Strategies: North American Perspectives 1, 255-285, 1997
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