ramlan mahmod
ramlan mahmod
Professor of Computer Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia
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Citované v
Citované v
Comparison of ECC and RSA algorithm in resource constrained devices
M Bafandehkar, SM Yasin, R Mahmod, ZM Hanapi
2013 international conference on IT convergence and security (ICITCS), 1-3, 2013
A review of bring your own device on security issues
M Olalere, MT Abdullah, R Mahmod, A Abdullah
Sage Open 5 (2), 2158244015580372, 2015
Rough neural expert systems
ME Yahia, R Mahmod, N Sulaiman, F Ahmad
Expert Systems with Applications 18 (2), 87-99, 2000
Forensics investigation challenges in cloud computing environments
M Damshenas, A Dehghantanha, R Mahmoud, S bin Shamsuddin
Proceedings Title: 2012 International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber …, 2012
A new addition formula for elliptic curves over GF (2/sup n/)
E Al-Daoud, R Mahmod, M Rushdan, A Kilicman
IEEE Transactions on Computers 51 (8), 972-975, 2002
Security analysis of blowfish algorithm
A Alabaichi, F Ahmad, R Mahmod
2013 Second International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA), 12-18, 2013
A survey on malware propagation, analysis, and detection
M Damshenas, A Dehghantanha, R Mahmoud
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics 2 (4), 10-30, 2013
Distributed Denial of Service detection using hybrid machine learning technique
M Barati, A Abdullah, NI Udzir, R Mahmod, N Mustapha
2014 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST …, 2014
Digital forensic trends and future
FN Dezfoli, A Dehghantanha, R Mahmoud, NFBM Sani, F Daryabar
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics 2 (2), 48-77, 2013
Forensic investigation of social media and instant messaging services in Firefox OS: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Telegram, OpenWapp, and Line as case studies
MN Yusoff, A Dehghantanha, R Mahmod
Contemporary digital forensic investigations of cloud and mobile …, 2017
A proposal for improving AES S-box with rotation and key-dependent
J Juremi, R Mahmod, S Sulaiman
Proceedings Title: 2012 International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber …, 2012
A survey on digital forensics trends
M Damshenas, A Dehghantanha, R Mahmoud
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics 3 (4), 209-235, 2014
Enhancing advanced encryption standard S-box generation based on round key
JJRMS Sulaiman, J Ramli
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1 (3 …, 2012
Trends in android malware detection
K Shaerpour, A Dehghantanha
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law 8 (3), 2013
Rules frequency order stemmer for Malay language
MT Abdullah, F Ahmad, R Mahmod, TMT Sembok
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 9 (2 …, 2009
Volatile memory acquisition using backup for forensic investigation
FN Dezfouli, A Dehghantanha, R Mahmoud, NFBM Sani, ...
Proceedings Title: 2012 International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber …, 2012
A lightweight and secure TFTP protocol for smart environment
MAM Isa, NN Mohamed, H Hashim, SFS Adnan, R Mahmod
2012 International Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial …, 2012
A case study to identify quality attributes relationships for web-based applications
H Zulzalil, AAA Ghani, MH Selamat, R Mahmod
Ijcsns 8 (11), 215, 2008
Privacy levels for computer forensics: toward a more efficient privacy-preserving investigation
W Halboob, R Mahmod, NI Udzir, MT Abdullah
Procedia Computer Science 56, 370-375, 2015
Towards a pervasive formal privacy language
A Dehghantanha, NI Udzir, R Mahmod
2010 IEEE 24th international conference on advanced information networking …, 2010
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