Andris Lubchich
Andris Lubchich
Polar Geophysical Institute
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Development of substorm bulges during different solar wind structures
IV Despirak, AA Lubchich, AG Yahnin, BV Kozelov, HK Biernat
Annales Geophysicae 27 (5), 1951-1960, 2009
Poleward expansion of the westward electrojet depending on the solar wind and IMF parameters
IV Despirak, AA Lubchich, HK Biernat, AG Yahnin
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 48, 284-292, 2008
Polar and high latitude substorms and solar wind conditions
IV Despirak, AA Lyubchich, NG Kleimenova
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 54, 575-582, 2014
Manifestation of solar and magnetic activity cycles in air temperature variations in Leningrad
MI Pudovkin, AA Lubchich
Geomagnetism and aeronomy 29 (3), 359-363, 1989
Relationship between substorm auroras and processes in the near-Earth magnetotail
AG Yahnin, IV Despirak, AA Lubchich, BV Kozelov, NP Dmitrieva, ...
Space science reviews 122, 97-106, 2006
Dayside high latitude magnetic impulsive events: their characteristics and relationship to sudden impulses
A Yahnin, E Titova, A Lubchich, T Bösinger, J Manninen, T Turunen, ...
Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 57 (13), 1569-1582, 1995
Strong localized variations of the low-altitude energetic electron fluxes in the evening sector near the plasmapause
EE Titova, TA Yahnina, AG Yahnin, BB Gvozdevsky, AA Lyubchich, ...
Annales Geophysicae 16, 25-33, 1997
Development of substorm bulges during storms of different interplanetary origins
IV Despirak, AA Lubchich, V Guineva
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 73 (11-12), 1460-1464, 2011
Supersubstorms and conditions in the solar wind
IV Despirak, AA Lyubchich, NG Kleimenova
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 59, 170-176, 2019
High-latitude substorm dependence on space weather conditions in solar cycle 23 and 24 (SC23 and SC24)
IV Despirak, AA Lubchich, NG Kleimenova
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 177, 54-62, 2018
Evening side EMIC waves and related proton precipitation induced by a substorm
AG Yahnin, TA Popova, AG Demekhov, AA Lubchich, A Matsuoka, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (7), e2020JA029091, 2021
Interaction of small perturbations with shock waves
AA Lubchich, MI Pudovkin
Physics of Fluids 16 (12), 4489-4505, 2004
Solar wind control of the auroral bulge expansion
AG Yahnin, IV Despirak, AA Lyubchich, BV Kozelov
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Substorms, 31-34, 2004
Localization of the source of quasiperiodic VLF emissions in the magnetosphere by using simultaneous ground and space observations: A case study
AG Demekhov, EE Titova, J Maninnen, DL Pasmanik, AA Lubchich, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (5), e2020JA027776, 2020
Indirect mapping of the source of the oppositely directed fast plasma flows in the plasma sheet onto the auroral display
AG Yahnin, IV Despirak, AA Lubchich, BV Kozelov, NP Dmitrieva, ...
Annales Geophysicae 24 (2), 679-687, 2006
Evaluation of a space-observed electric field structure for the ability to destabilize inhomogeneous energy-density-driven waves
IV Golovchanskaya, BV Kozelov, IV Mingalev, MN Melnik, AA Lubchich
Annales Geophysicae 32 (1), 1-6, 2014
A quantitative model for cyclotron wave-particle interactions at the plasmapause
DL Pasmanik, VYU Trakhtengerts, AG Demekhov, AA Lyubchich, ...
Annales Geophysicae 16 (3), 322-330, 1998
Longitude geomagnetic effects of the supersubstorms during the magnetic storm of March 9, 2012
IV Despirak, AA Lyubchich, NG Kleimenova, LI Gromova, SV Gromov, ...
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 85 (3), 246-251, 2021
Solar Wind streams of different types and high-latitude substorms
IV Despirak, AA Lyubchich, NG Kleimenova
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 59, 1-6, 2019
Simultaneous observations of EMIC waves, ELF/VLF waves, and energetic particle precipitation during multiple compressions of the magnetosphere
AG Yahnin, EE Titova, AG Demekhov, TA Yahnina, TA Popova, ...
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 59, 668-680, 2019
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