Svitlana Dybkova
Svitlana Dybkova
F.D. Ovcharenko Institute of biocolloidal chemistry of Ukrainian National Academy of Scienses
Overená e-mailová adresa na: - Domovská stránka
Citované v
Citované v
Gold nanoparticles synthesis and biological activity estimation in vitro and in vivo
LS Rieznichenko, SM Dybkova, TG Gruzina, ZR Ulberg, IN Todor, ...
Experimental Oncology, 2012
The Development of Augmented Reality educational media using think-pair-share learning model for studying Buginese language
M Hasbi, H Tolle, AA Supianto
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 5 (1), 38-56, 2020
Application of gold nanoparticles for improvement of analytical characteristics of conductometric enzyme biosensors
OO Soldatkin, OV Soldatkina, II Piliponskiy, LS Rieznichenko, TG Gruzina, ...
Applied Nanoscience 12 (4), 995-1003, 2022
Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles
ОL Apykhtina, SM Dybkova, LM Sokurenko, YB Chaikovsky
Experimental Oncology, 2018
Investigation of bismuth nanoparticles antimicrobial activity against high pathogen microorganisms
LS Rieznichenko, TG Gruzina, SM Dybkova, VO Ushkalov, ZR Ulberg
Am. J. Bioterror. Biosecur. Biodef 2, 1004, 2015
Synthesis and comparative characteristics of biological activities of (La, Sr) MnO3 and Fe3O4 nanoparticles
O Shydlovska, N Zholobak, S Dybkova, S Osinsky, L Bubnovskaya, ...
European Journal of Nanomedicine 9 (1), 33-43, 2017
Assessment of the in vivo DNA-damaging action of the gold nanoparticles of different sizes
SM Dybkova, LS Rieznichenko, TG Gruzina, ZR Ulberg
Biotechnology 3 (3), 66-71, 2010
Influence of gold and silver nanoparticles on ATPase activity of native and rehydrated cells of Escherichia coli
LS Rieznichenko, TH Hruzina, SM Dybkova, ZR Ul'berh, VO Ushkalov, ...
Ukrains' kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal (1999) 81 (6), 70-76, 2009
Screening of Epidemiologically Significant Mechanisms of Antibiotics to β-Lactams in Enterobacteriaceae-Pathogens of Zoonoses.
TO Garkavenko, OI Gorbatyuk, SM Dybkova, TG Kozytska, ...
Journal of Pure & Applied Microbiology 15 (3), 2021
Methodical recommendations for determining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs
TO Garkavenko, OI Gorbatyuk, TG Kozytska, VO Anriashchuk, ...
K.: DNDILVSE 101, 2021
Дослідження з розробки косметичних засобів на основі наночастинок срібла, золота і міді
СБ Білоус, СМ Дибкова, ЛС Рєзніченко
Фармацевтичний часопис, 27-34, 2018
Silver nanoparticles: synthesis, effectiveness in treatment of purulentinflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area, development of dosage forms
L Rieznichenko, S Dybkova, A Rybachuk, V Malanchuk, T Gruzina, ...
Synthesis of iron nanoparticles and characterization of their biosafety
LS Reznichenko, SN Dybkova, AM Doroshenko, IS Chekmani, ZR Ulberg
Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine 3 (2), 319-323, 2014
The studies on the pharmaceutical development of dosage forms with silver and gold nanoparticles for use in dentistry and surgery
S Bilous, L Rieznichenko, S Dybkova, A Rybachuk, T Kalyniuk
Ocinka bezpeki nanomaterialiv organichnoi ta neorganichnoi prirody metodom vyznachenna genotoksychnosti lujnim gelelectroforezom izoluovanich eukariotychnych clityn: Metodychni …
SM Dybkova, TG Gruzina, ZR Ulberg
Kyiv [in Ukrainian], 2010
Can Au/Ag/Fe nanoparticle composition restore blood cell counts in terms of DMH-induced colon adenocarcinoma?
N Lisnychuk, S Dybkova, L Rieznichenko, Z Vivchar
Current Issues of Medicine and Management, 18-32, 2021
Iron nanoparticles' effectiveness for new antianemic preparations development
L Rieznichenko, T Gruzina, S Dybkova, Z Ulberg, I Chekman, ...
NANOCON 2013-Conference Proceedings, 5th International Conference, 556-559, 2013
Ocinka mutagennosti nanomaterialiv [Assessment of nanomarerials’ mutagenicity]
SM Dybkova, LS Rieznichenko, TG Gruzina
Guidelines. Kyi’v [in Ukrainian], 2011
Antimicrobial effects of hydrogel implants incorporating gold nanoparticles and albucide and developed for reconstructive surgery in the orbit and periorbital area.
YM Samchenko, SM Dybkova, AP Maletskyy, LO Kernosenko, TG Gruzina, ...
Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine)/Oftalʹmologičeskij Žurnal, 2023
Nanobiocomposite based on ultradispersed silver for the production of probiotics
SM Dybkova, VI Podolska, NI Gryshchenko, ZR Ulberg
Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології 18 (1), 189-204, 2020
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