Jun Rong
Jun Rong
Center for Watershed Ecology, Institute of Life Science, Nanchang University
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Citované v
Genetic diversity and origin of weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) populations found in north-eastern China revealed by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers
Q Cao, BR Lu, H Xia, J Rong, F Sala, A Spada, F Grassi
Annals of botany 98 (6), 1241-1252, 2006
Introgression of crop alleles into wild or weedy populations
NC Ellstrand, P Meirmans, J Rong, D Bartsch, A Ghosh, TJ De Jong, ...
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44 (1), 325-345, 2013
Dramatic reduction of crop‐to‐crop gene flow within a short distance from transgenic rice fields
J Rong, BR Lu, Z Song, J Su, AA Snow, X Zhang, S Sun, R Chen, F Wang
New Phytologist 173 (2), 346-353, 2007
Low frequency of transgene flow from Bt/CpTI rice to its nontransgenic counterparts planted at close spacing
J Rong, Z Song, J Su, H Xia, BR Lu, F Wang
New Phytologist 168 (3), 559-566, 2005
New insights into domestication of carrot from root transcriptome analyses
J Rong, Y Lammers, JL Strasburg, NS Schidlo, Y Ariyurek, TJ De Jong, ...
BMC genomics 15, 1-15, 2014
Evidences of introgression from cultivated rice to Oryza rufipogon (Poaceae) populations based on SSR fingerprinting: implications for wild rice differentiation and …
Z Song, W Zhu, J Rong, X Xu, J Chen, BR Lu
Evolutionary Ecology 20, 501-522, 2006
Leaf transcriptome analysis of a subtropical evergreen broadleaf plant, wild oil-tea camellia (Camellia oleifera), revealing candidate genes for cold acclimation
J Chen, X Yang, X Huang, S Duan, C Long, J Chen, J Rong
Bmc Genomics 18, 1-14, 2017
Historical and contemporary gene dispersal in wild carrot (Daucus carota ssp. carota) populations
J Rong, S Janson, M Umehara, M Ono, K Vrieling
Annals of Botany 106 (2), 285-296, 2010
The complete maternally and paternally inherited mitochondrial genomes of the endangered freshwater mussel Solenaia carinatus (Bivalvia: Unionidae) and implications for …
XC Huang, J Rong, Y Liu, MH Zhang, Y Wan, S Ouyang, CH Zhou, XP Wu
PLoS One 8 (12), e84352, 2013
Asymmetric gene flow between traditional and hybrid rice varieties (Oryza sativa) indicated by nuclear simple sequence repeats and implications for germplasm …
J Rong, H Xia, Y Zhu, Y Wang, BR Lu
New Phytologist 163 (2), 439-445, 2004
Are habitat fragmentation, local adaptation and isolation‐by‐distance driving population divergence in wild rice Oryza rufipogon?
Y Zhao, K Vrieling, H Liao, M Xiao, Y Zhu, J Rong, W Zhang, Y Wang, ...
Molecular ecology 22 (22), 5531-5547, 2013
Modelling pollen‐mediated gene flow in rice: risk assessment and management of transgene escape
J Rong, Z Song, TJ de Jong, X Zhang, S Sun, X Xu, H Xia, B Liu, BR Lu
Plant biotechnology journal 8 (4), 452-464, 2010
Cultivation history of Camellia oleifera and genetic resources in the Yangtze River Basin
S Qin, J Rong, W Zhang, J Chen
Biodiversity Science 26 (4), 384, 2018
Genetic differentiation revealed by selective loci of drought-responding EST-SSRs between upland and lowland rice in China
H Xia, X Zheng, L Chen, H Gao, H Yang, P Long, J Rong, B Lu, J Li, L Luo
PloS one 9 (10), e106352, 2014
Normal expression of insect-resistant transgene in progeny of common wild rice crossed with genetically modified rice: its implication in ecological biosafety assessment
H Xia, BR Lu, J Su, R Chen, J Rong, Z Song, F Wang
Theoretical and applied genetics 119, 635-644, 2009
Crop to wild gene flow: Does more sophisticated research provide better risk assessment?
TJ de Jong, J Rong
Environmental Science & Policy 27, 135-140, 2013
Potential distribution of wild Camellia oleifera based on ecological niche modeling
X Cui, W Wang, X Yang, S Li, S Qin, J Rong
Biodiversity Science 24 (10), 1117, 2016
Bt/CpTI 转基因稻及其非转基因亲本对照在间隔种植条件下的转基因漂移
戎俊, 宋志平, 苏军, 夏辉, 王锋, 卢宝荣
生物多样性 14 (4), 309, 2006
Metabolic fingerprinting reveals differences between shoots of wild and cultivated carrot (Daucus carota L.) and suggests maternal inheritance or wild trait dominance in hybrids
C Grebenstein, YH Choi, J Rong, TJ de Jong, WLM Tamis
Phytochemistry 72 (11), 1341-1347, 2011
Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) variation in populations of the cutgrass Leersia hexandra
Z Song, Y Guan, J Rong, X Xu, BR Lu
Aquatic botany 84 (4), 359-362, 2006
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