Seth A. Byrd
Seth A. Byrd
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Water deficit in field-grown Gossypium hirsutum primarily limits net photosynthesis by decreasing stomatal conductance, increasing photorespiration, and increasing the ratio of …
DR Chastain, JL Snider, GD Collins, CD Perry, J Whitaker, SA Byrd
Journal of plant physiology 171 (17), 1576-1585, 2014
Cotton disease loss estimate committee report, 2014
K Lawrence, A Hagan, R Norton, J Hu, T Faske, R Hutmacher, J Mueller, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, San Antonio, TX …, 2015
Leaf ontogeny strongly influences photosynthetic tolerance to drought and high temperature in Gossypium hirsutum
DR Chastain, JL Snider, JS Choinski, GD Collins, CD Perry, J Whitaker, ...
Journal of plant physiology 199, 18-28, 2016
Irrigation scheduling using predawn leaf water potential improves water productivity in drip‐irrigated cotton
DR Chastain, JL Snider, GD Collins, CD Perry, J Whitaker, SA Byrd, ...
Crop Science 56 (6), 3185-3195, 2016
Cotton stage of growth determines sensitivity to 2, 4-D
SA Byrd, GD Collins, AS Culpepper, DM Dodds, KL Edmisten, DL Wright, ...
Weed Technology 30 (3), 601-610, 2016
Reductions in a commercial potato irrigation schedule during tuber bulking in Florida: Physiological, yield, and quality effects
SA Byrd, DL Rowland, J Bennett, L Zotarelli, D Wright, A Alva, ...
Journal of Crop Improvement 28 (5), 660-679, 2014
Planting date and row spacing effects on the agronomic potential of sesame in the southeastern USA
RM Gloaguen, S Byrd, DL Rowland, DR Langham, A Couch
Journal of crop improvement 32 (3), 387-417, 2018
Non–2, 4-D–resistant cotton response to glyphosate plus 2, 4-D choline tank contamination
MR Manuchehri, PA Dotray, JW Keeling, GD Morgan, SA Byrd
Weed Technology 34 (1), 82-88, 2020
Cotton production in the United States of America: an overview
TB Raper, C Pilon, V Singh, J Snider, S Stewart, S Byrd
Cotton production, 217-247, 2019
Predawn respiration rates during flowering are highly predictive of yield response in Gossypium hirsutum when yield variability is water-induced
JL Snider, DR Chastain, CD Meeks, GD Collins, RB Sorensen, SA Byrd, ...
Journal of plant physiology 183, 114-120, 2015
Leaf pubescence and defoliation strategy influence on cotton defoliation and fiber quality.
SA Byrd, GD Collins, KL Edmisten, PM Roberts, JL Snider, TA Spivey, ...
Effects of production practices on temporal disease progress of Verticillium wilt of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in the Texas High Plains, USA
X Liu, JE Woodward, B Kelly, KL Lewis, SA Byrd, Y Chen
Crop Protection 140, 105429, 2021
Using precipitation forecasts to irrigate cotton.
EH Christ, PJ Webster, GD Collins, VE Toma, SA Byrd
The Relationship Between Sap Flow and Commercial Soil Water Sensor Readings in Irrigated Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production
SA Byrd, DL Rowland, J Bennett, L Zotarelli, D Wright, A Alva, ...
American Journal of Potato Research 92, 582-592, 2015
Potato Physiological Disorders-Brown Center and Hollow Heart: HS945/HS197, rev. 5/2012
L Zotarelli, C Hutchinson, S Byrd, D Gergela, DL Rowland
Edis 2012 (5), 2012
Potato physiological disorders: Brown center and hollow heart
CM Hutchinson, S Byrd, D Gergela, DL Rowland
University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and …, 2003
Soil potassium effects on cotton lint yield and fiber quality on the Texas high plains.
AR Bumguardner, KL Lewis, SA Byrd, GL Ritchie, GD Morgan
Performance of tank-mix partners with isoxaflutole across the Cotton Belt
DC Foster, PA Dotray, TA Baughman, SA Byrd, AS Culpepper, DM Dodds, ...
Weed Technology 35 (6), 1014-1022, 2021
Tillage and irrigation impact on early and late maturing cotton cultivars
SA Byrd, GD Collins, RM Barentine, JL Snider, AS Culpepper, ...
Agronomy Journal 111 (4), 1620-1633, 2019
Plant growth regulators in cotton
S Byrd
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, 2019
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