Damien Chevallier
Damien Chevallier
Chercheur, HDR, CNRS (BOREA)
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Citované v
Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole: A review of the MEOP consortium
AM Treasure, F Roquet, IJ Ansorge, MN Bester, L Boehme, H Bornemann, ...
Oceanography 30 (2), 132-138, 2017
Influence of weather conditions on the flight of migrating black storks
D Chevallier, Y Handrich, JY Georges, F Baillon, P Brossault, A Aurouet, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1695), 2755-2764, 2010
The use of stopover sites by Black Storks (Ciconia nigra) migrating between West Europe and West Africa as revealed by satellite telemetry
D Chevallier, Y Le Maho, P Brossault, F Baillon, S Massemin
Journal of Ornithology 152, 1-13, 2011
Identification of key marine areas for conservation based on satellite tracking of post-nesting migrating green turtles (Chelonia mydas)
M Baudouin, B de Thoisy, P Chambault, R Berzins, M Entraygues, L Kelle, ...
Biological Conservation 184, 36-41, 2015
Predictive distribution models applied to satellite tracks: modelling the western African winter range of European migrant Black Storks Ciconia nigra
F Jiguet, M Barbet-Massin, D Chevallier
Journal of Ornithology 152 (1), 111-118, 2011
The influence of oceanographic features on the foraging behavior of the olive ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea along the Guiana coast
C Philippine, T Benoît, H Karine, C Anna, B Sébastien, DR Virginie, ...
Progress In Oceanography, 2016
High fidelity of sea turtles to their foraging grounds revealed by satellite tracking and capture-mark-recapture: New insights for the establishment of key marine conservation …
F Siegwalt, S Benhamou, M Girondot, L Jeantet, J Martin, M Bonola, ...
Biological Conservation 250, 108742, 2020
Behavioural inference from signal processing using animal-borne multi-sensor loggers: a novel solution to extend the knowledge of sea turtle ecology
L Jeantet, V Planas-Bielsa, S Benhamou, S Geiger, J Martin, F Siegwalt, ...
Royal Society Open Science 7 (5), 200139, 2020
Identification of marine key areas across the Caribbean to ensure the conservation of the critically endangered hawksbill turtle
M Nivière, P Chambault, T Pérez, D Etienne, M Bonola, J Martin, ...
Biological Conservation 223, 170-180, 2018
Connecting paths between juvenile and adult habitats in the Atlantic green turtle using genetics and satellite tracking
P Chambault, B de Thoisy, M Huguin, J Martin, M Bonola, D Etienne, ...
Ecology and Evolution, 1-13, 2018
Key issues in assessing threats to sea turtles: knowledge gaps and future directions
MMPB Fuentes, E McMichael, CY Kot, I Silver-Gorges, BP Wallace, ...
Endangered species research 52, 303-341, 2023
Human activity and the drying up of rivers determine abundance and spatial distribution of Black Storks Ciconia nigra on their wintering grounds
D Chevallier, Y Le Maho, F Baillon, R Duponnois, C Dieulin, P Brossault, ...
Bird study 57 (3), 369-380, 2010
Combined use of two supervised learning algorithms to model sea turtle behaviours from tri-axial acceleration data
L Jeantet, F Dell'Amico, MA Forin-Wiart, M Coutant, M Bonola, D Etienne, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2018
The Gulf Stream frontal system: A key oceanographic feature in the habitat selection of the leatherback turtle?
P Chambault, F Roquet, S Benhamou, A Baudena, E Pauthenet, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 123, 35-47, 2017
Inter-nesting behavioural adjustments of green turtles to an estuarine habitat in French Guiana
DC Philippine Chambault, Benoît de Thoisy, Laurent Kelle, Rachel Berzins ...
First evidence of underwater vocalizations in green sea turtles Chelonia mydas
I Charrier, L Jeantet, L Maucourt, S Régis, N Lecerf, A Benhalilou, ...
Endangered Species Research 48, 31-41, 2022
Dispersal and Diving Adjustments of the Green Turtle Chelonia mydas in Response to Dynamic Environmental Conditions during Post-Nesting Migration
P Chambault, D Pinaud, V Vantrepotte, L Kelle, M Entraygues, C Guinet, ...
PLoS One 10 (9), e0137340, 2015
Big data approaches to the spatial ecology and conservation of marine megafauna
D Grémillet, D Chevallier, C Guinet
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (4), 975-986, 2022
New epizoic diatom (Bacillariophyta) species from sea turtles in the Eastern Caribbean and South Pacific
C Riaux-Gobin, A Witkowski, JP Kociolek, L Ector, D Chevallier, ...
Diatom Research 32 (1), 109-125, 2017
Fully convolutional neural network: a solution to infer animal behaviours from multi-sensor data
L Jeantet, V Vigon, S Geiger, D Chevallier
Ecological Modelling 450, 109555, 2021
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