A rigorous partial justification of Greene's criterion C Falcolini, R de la Llave Journal of statistical physics 67, 609-643, 1992 | 87 | 1992 |
A direct proof of a theorem by Kolmogorov in Hamiltonian systems L Chierchia, C Falcolini Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 21 (4), 541-593, 1994 | 79 | 1994 |
Numerical calculation of domains of analyticity for perturbation theories in the presence of small divisors C Falcolini, R de La Llave Journal of statistical physics 67, 645-666, 1992 | 48 | 1992 |
Natural boundaries for area-preserving twist maps A Berretti, A Celletti, L Chierchia, C Falcolini Journal of Statistical Physics 66, 1613-1630, 1992 | 40 | 1992 |
From point clouds to architectural models: algorithms for shape reconstruction M Canciani, C Falcolini, M Saccone, G Spadafora The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
A method for virtual anastylosis: the case of the Arch of Titus at the Circus Maximus in Rome M Canciani, C Falcolini, M Buonfiglio, S Pergola, M Saccone, B Mammì, ... ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Compensations in small divisor problems L Chierchia, C Falcolini Communications in mathematical physics 175, 135-160, 1996 | 29 | 1996 |
On the break-down threshold of invariant tori in four dimensional maps A Celletti, C Falcolini, U Locatelli Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 9 (3), 227-253, 2004 | 22 | 2004 |
Rigorous numerical stability estimates for the existence of KAM tori in a forced pendulum A Celletti, C Falcolini, A Porzio Annales de l'IHP Physique théorique 47 (1), 85-111, 1987 | 20 | 1987 |
Construction of invariant tori for the spin-orbit problem in the Mercury-Sun system A Celletti, C Falcolini Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 53, 113-127, 1992 | 17 | 1992 |
Virtual anastylosis of the Arch of Titus at Circus Maximus in Rome M Canciani, C Falcolini, M Buonfiglio, S Pergola, M Saccone, B Mammì, ... International Journal of heritage in the Digital Era 3 (2), 393-411, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Shape of analyticity domains of Lindstedt series: the standard map A Berretti, C Falcolini, G Gentile Physical review E 64 (1), 015202, 2001 | 15 | 2001 |
A remark on the KAM theorem applied to a four-vortex system A Celletti, C Falcolini Journal of statistical physics 52, 471-477, 1988 | 15 | 1988 |
An extension of Greene's criterion for conformally symplectic systems and a partial justification RC Calleja, A Celletti, C Falcolini, R De la Llave SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 46 (4), 2350-2384, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Singularities of periodic orbits near invariant curves A Celletti, C Falcolini Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 170 (2), 87-102, 2002 | 10 | 2002 |
Experimental validation of a high precision GNSS system for monitoring of civil infrastructures D Cinque, M Saccone, R Capua, D Spina, C Falcolini, S Gabriele Sustainability 14 (17), 10984, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Algorithms for Geometrical Models in Borromini's San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane C Falcolini Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design …, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Hénon map: simple sinks gaining coexistence as b→ 1 C Falcolini, L Tedeschini-Lalli International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23 (09), 1330030, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
From complexity of architecture to geometrical rule. The case study of the dome of San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane in Rome M Canciani, C Falcolini, G Spadafora Gambardella, Carmine,(a cura), X Forum internazionale di studi Le vie dei …, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |
Numeri in un foglio di carta C Falcolini Archimede-Rivista di Matematiche Pure e Applicate 58 (2), 88-93, 2006 | 6 | 2006 |