Corrado Falcolini
Corrado Falcolini
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Citované v
A rigorous partial justification of Greene's criterion
C Falcolini, R de la Llave
Journal of statistical physics 67, 609-643, 1992
A direct proof of a theorem by Kolmogorov in Hamiltonian systems
L Chierchia, C Falcolini
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 21 (4), 541-593, 1994
Numerical calculation of domains of analyticity for perturbation theories in the presence of small divisors
C Falcolini, R de La Llave
Journal of statistical physics 67, 645-666, 1992
Natural boundaries for area-preserving twist maps
A Berretti, A Celletti, L Chierchia, C Falcolini
Journal of Statistical Physics 66, 1613-1630, 1992
From point clouds to architectural models: algorithms for shape reconstruction
M Canciani, C Falcolini, M Saccone, G Spadafora
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2013
A method for virtual anastylosis: the case of the Arch of Titus at the Circus Maximus in Rome
M Canciani, C Falcolini, M Buonfiglio, S Pergola, M Saccone, B Mammì, ...
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2013
Compensations in small divisor problems
L Chierchia, C Falcolini
Communications in mathematical physics 175, 135-160, 1996
On the break-down threshold of invariant tori in four dimensional maps
A Celletti, C Falcolini, U Locatelli
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 9 (3), 227-253, 2004
Rigorous numerical stability estimates for the existence of KAM tori in a forced pendulum
A Celletti, C Falcolini, A Porzio
Annales de l'IHP Physique théorique 47 (1), 85-111, 1987
Construction of invariant tori for the spin-orbit problem in the Mercury-Sun system
A Celletti, C Falcolini
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 53, 113-127, 1992
Virtual anastylosis of the Arch of Titus at Circus Maximus in Rome
M Canciani, C Falcolini, M Buonfiglio, S Pergola, M Saccone, B Mammì, ...
International Journal of heritage in the Digital Era 3 (2), 393-411, 2014
Shape of analyticity domains of Lindstedt series: the standard map
A Berretti, C Falcolini, G Gentile
Physical review E 64 (1), 015202, 2001
A remark on the KAM theorem applied to a four-vortex system
A Celletti, C Falcolini
Journal of statistical physics 52, 471-477, 1988
An extension of Greene's criterion for conformally symplectic systems and a partial justification
RC Calleja, A Celletti, C Falcolini, R De la Llave
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 46 (4), 2350-2384, 2014
Singularities of periodic orbits near invariant curves
A Celletti, C Falcolini
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 170 (2), 87-102, 2002
Experimental validation of a high precision GNSS system for monitoring of civil infrastructures
D Cinque, M Saccone, R Capua, D Spina, C Falcolini, S Gabriele
Sustainability 14 (17), 10984, 2022
Algorithms for Geometrical Models in Borromini's San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane
C Falcolini
Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design …, 2016
Hénon map: simple sinks gaining coexistence as b→ 1
C Falcolini, L Tedeschini-Lalli
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23 (09), 1330030, 2013
From complexity of architecture to geometrical rule. The case study of the dome of San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane in Rome
M Canciani, C Falcolini, G Spadafora
Gambardella, Carmine,(a cura), X Forum internazionale di studi Le vie dei …, 2012
Numeri in un foglio di carta
C Falcolini
Archimede-Rivista di Matematiche Pure e Applicate 58 (2), 88-93, 2006
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