Nóra Liptai
Nóra Liptai
Institute for Earth Physics and Space Science
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Extremely low structural hydroxyl contents in upper mantle xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (northern Pannonian Basin): Geodynamic implications and the role of …
L Patkó, N Liptai, IJ Kovács, LE Aradi, QK Xia, J Ingrin, J Mihály, ...
Chemical Geology 507, 23-41, 2019
Multiple metasomatism beneath the Nógrád–Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin) revealed by upper mantle peridotite xenoliths
N Liptai, L Patkó, IJ Kovács, K Hidas, Z Pintér, T Jeffries, Z Zajacz, ...
Journal of Petrology 58 (6), 1107-1144, 2017
The ‘pargasosphere’hypothesis: Looking at global plate tectonics from a new perspective
IJ Kovács, N Liptai, A Koptev, SAPL Cloetingh, TP Lange, L Mațenco, ...
Global and Planetary Change 204, 103547, 2021
Metasomatism-induced wehrlite formation in the upper mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin): Evidence from xenoliths
L Patkó, N Liptai, LE Aradi, R Klébesz, E Sendula, RJ Bodnar, IJ Kovács, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (3), 943-964, 2020
The role of water and compression in the genesis of alkaline basalts: Inferences from the Carpathian-Pannonian region
I Kovacs, L Patkó, N Liptai, TP Lange, Z Taracsák, S Cloetingh, K Török, ...
Lithos 354, 105323, 2020
Constraints on the thickness and seismic properties of the lithosphere in an extensional setting (Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field, Northern Pannonian Basin)
R Klébesz, Z Gráczer, G Szanyi, N Liptai, I Kovács, L Patkó, Z Pintér, ...
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 50, 133-149, 2015
Effect of metasomatism on the electrical resistivity of the lithospheric mantle–An integrated research using magnetotelluric sounding and xenoliths beneath the Nógrád-Gömör …
L Patkó, A Novák, R Klébesz, N Liptai, TP Lange, G Molnár, L Csontos, ...
Global and Planetary Change 197, 103389, 2021
Lateral and vertical heterogeneity in the lithospheric mantle at the northern margin of the Pannonian Basin reconstructed from peridotite xenolith microstructures
N Liptai, K Hidas, A Tommasi, L Patkó, IJ Kovács, WL Griffin, SY O'Reilly, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (7), 6315-6336, 2019
Seismic anisotropy in the mantle of a tectonically inverted extensional basin: a shear-wave splitting and mantle xenolith study on the western Carpathian-Pannonian region
N Liptai, Z Graczer, G Szanyi, SAPL Cloetingh, B Süle, LE Aradi, G Falus, ...
Tectonophysics 845, 229643, 2022
Effect of water on the rheology of the lithospheric mantle in young extensional basin systems as shown by xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian region
N Liptai, TP Lange, L Patkó, Z Pintér, M Berkesi, LE Aradi, C Szabó, ...
Global and Planetary Change 196, 103364, 2021
Iron isotope and trace metal variations during mantle metasomatism: In situ study on sulfide minerals from peridotite xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern …
L Patkó, J Ciazela, LE Aradi, N Liptai, B Pieterek, M Berkesi, M Lazarov, ...
Lithos 396, 106238, 2021
Three-dimensional distribution of glass and vesicles in metasomatized xenoliths: A micro-CT case study from Nógrád–Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
L Patkó, L Créon, Z Kovács, N Liptai, E Rosenberg, C Szabó
Geologica carpathica 71 (5), 418-423, 2020
Geochemical and physical properties and evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin, Central Europe)
N Liptai
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 176, 2018
The Pannon LitH2Oscope magnetotelluric array in the Pannonian Basin
T Rubóczki, A Novák, N Liptai, K Porkoláb, C Molnár, A Galsa, G Molnár, ...
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 59 (3), 285-310, 2024
Characterization of the metasomatizing agent in the upper mantle beneath the northern Pannonian Basin based on Raman imaging, FIB-SEM, and LA-ICP-MS analyses of silicate melt …
N Liptai, M Berkesi, L Patkó, RJ Bodnar, SY O’Reilly, WL Griffin, C Szabó
American Mineralogist 106 (5), 685-700, 2021
Rheology study on the earth’s mantle: Application of quantitative Fourier transfor m infrared spectroscopyon upper mantle xenolith from the Persani Mountains (i n Hungarian)
TP Lange, C Szabó, N Liptai, L Patkó, O Gelencsér, LE Aradi, IJ Kovács
Földtani Közlöny 149 (3), 4, 2019
Deciphering mantle metasomatism using silicate melt inclusions beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
L Patko, N Liptai, L Aradi, R Bodnar, E Sendula, I Kovács, R Klébesz, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 785, 2018
Olivine orientation study on upper mantle xenoliths from Bárna‐Nagykő, Nógrád‐Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin, Hungary)
N Liptai, H Jung, M Park, C Szabó
Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society 143, 371-382, 2013
A new conceptual model for the genesis of Plio-Pleistocene alkaline basalts in the Pannonian Basin
I Kovács, J Kiss, K Török, E Király, D Karátson, T Fancsik, T Bíró, Z Pálos, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9929, 2018
Fossil metasomatized and newly-accreted fertile lithospheric mantle volumes beneath the Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (central Carpathian-Pannonian region)
L Patkó, N Liptai, LE Aradi, K Török, Z Kovács, Á Kővágó, S Gergely, ...
Lithos 482, 107701, 2024
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