Lianjie Shu
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Citované v
An ARMAX model for forecasting the power output of a grid connected photovoltaic system
Y Li, Y Su, L Shu
Renewable Energy 66, 78-89, 2014
Adaptive CUSUM procedures with EWMA-based shift estimators
W Jiang, L Shu, DW Apley
Iie Transactions 40 (10), 992-1003, 2008
Forecasting the daily power output of a grid-connected photovoltaic system based on multivariate adaptive regression splines
Y Li, Y He, Y Su, L Shu
Applied Energy 180, 392-401, 2016
One-day-ahead daily power forecasting of photovoltaic systems based on partial functional linear regression models
G Wang, Y Su, L Shu
Renewable Energy 96, 469-478, 2016
Wind turbine fault diagnosis based on transfer learning and convolutional autoencoder with small-scale data
Y Li, W Jiang, G Zhang, L Shu
Renewable Energy 171, 103-115, 2021
Real-time prediction models for output power and efficiency of grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems
Y Su, LC Chan, L Shu, KL Tsui
Applied energy 93, 319-326, 2012
A Markov chain model for the adaptive CUSUM control chart
L Shu, W Jiang
Journal of Quality Technology 38 (2), 135-147, 2006
A new EWMA chart for monitoring process dispersion
L Shu, W Jiang
Journal of Quality Technology 40 (3), 319-331, 2008
Experimental study of using phase change material cooling in a solar tracking concentrated photovoltaic-thermal system
Y Su, Y Zhang, L Shu
Solar Energy 159, 777-785, 2018
Wind turbine fault diagnosis based on Gaussian process classifiers applied to operational data
Y Li, S Liu, L Shu
Renewable Energy 134, 357-366, 2019
A one-sided EWMA control chart for monitoring process means
L Shu, W Jiang, S Wu
Communications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation® 36 (4), 901-920, 2007
Run-length performance of regression control charts with estimated parameters
L Shu, F Tsung, KL Tsui
Journal of Quality Technology 36 (3), 280-292, 2004
Autocorrelated process monitoring using triggered cuscore charts
L Shu, DW Apley, F Tsung
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 18 (5), 411-421, 2002
An np control chart for monitoring the mean of a variable based on an attribute inspection
Z Wu, MBC Khoo, L Shu, W Jiang
International Journal of Production Economics 121 (1), 141-147, 2009
An adaptive exponentially weighted moving average control chart for monitoring process variances
L Shu
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 78 (4), 367-384, 2008
Effects of estimation errors on cause-selecting charts
L Shu, F Tsung, KL Tsui
IIE transactions 37 (6), 559-567, 2005
A weighted CUSUM chart for detecting patterned mean shifts
L Shu, W Jiang, KL Tsui
Journal of Quality Technology 40 (2), 194-213, 2008
On multistage statistical process control
L Shu, F Tsung
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers 20 (1), 1-8, 2003
Design of multiple cause-selecting charts for multistage processes with model uncertainty
L Shu, F Tsung, KC Kapur
Quality Engineering 16 (3), 437-450, 2004
Adaptive CUSUM procedures with Markovian mean estimation
L Shu, W Jiang, Z Wu
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (9), 4395-4409, 2008
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