Benedikt Schnurr
Benedikt Schnurr
Siemens AG
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Citované v
Citované v
Humanizing products with handwritten typefaces
R Schroll, B Schnurr, D Grewal
Journal of Consumer Research 45 (3), 648-672, 2018
The effect of context attractiveness on product attractiveness and product quality: the moderating role of product familiarity
B Schnurr, A Brunner-Sperdin, NE Stokburger-Sauer
Marketing Letters 28, 241-253, 2017
Too cute to be healthy: How cute packaging designs affect judgments of product tastiness and healthiness
B Schnurr
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 4 (4), 363-375, 2019
The impact of atypical product design on consumer product and brand perception
B Schnurr
Journal of Brand Management 24 (6), 609–621, 2017
Beauty or function? How different mass customization toolkits affect customers' process enjoyment
B Schnurr, U Scholl‐Grissemann
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 14 (5), 335-343, 2015
Room with a view: how hedonic and utilitarian choice options of online travel agencies affect consumers’ booking intentions
U Scholl-Grissemann, B Schnurr
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 10 (4 …, 2016
The effect of stylistic product information on consumers’ aesthetic responses
B Schnurr, NE Stokburger‐Sauer
Psychology & Marketing 33 (3), 165-176, 2016
How my product works and how it looks: Effects of functional and aesthetic co‐creation and the role of product expertise
B Schnurr
Creativity and Innovation Management 26 (2), 152-159, 2017
What’s best for whom? The effect of product gender depends on positioning
B Schnurr
European Journal of Marketing 52 (1/2), 367-391, 2018
Public reactions to instances of workplace gender discrimination.
B Schnurr, C Fuchs
Journal of experimental psychology: applied 29 (2), 451, 2023
Sales and self: The noneconomic value of selling the fruits of one's labor
B Schnurr, C Fuchs, E Maira, S Puntoni, M Schreier, SMJ van Osselaer
Journal of Marketing 86 (3), 40-58, 2022
Made by her vs. him: Gender influences in product preferences and the role of individual action efficacy in restoring social equalities
B Schnurr, G Halkias
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2022
The conditional enjoyment-enhancing effect of shipping box aesthetics
B Schnurr, M Wetzels
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 57, 102213, 2020
People in the United States judge the success of individuals from higher-versus lower-income families as less deserving
B Schnurr
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9 (1), 1-8, 2022
Acceptability of Unsustainable Consumption
B Schnurr, G Halkias
The 52nd EMAC Annual Conference 2023, 113190, 2023
Der nicht-monetäre Nutzen des Verkaufs selbsthergestellter Produkte
B Schnurr, C Fuchs, E Maira, S Puntoni, M Schreier, SMJ van Osselaer
Schmalenbach IMPULS 3 (1), 1-9, 2023
Who Made It?: How the Producer’s Gender Affects Product Preferences
B Schnurr, G Halkias
The 51st EMAC Annual Conference 2022, 105913, 2022
Handwritten Typefaces as a Novel Strategy to Humanize Products.
R Schroll, B Schnurr
Transfer: Zeitschrift für Kommunikation & Markenmanagement 65 (1), 2019
Humanizing Products Through Typeface Design.
R Schroll, B Schnurr, D Grewal
Advances in Consumer Research 44, 2016
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