Mark Grabowski
Mark Grabowski
Senior Lecturer in Evolutionary Anthropology, Liverpool John Moores University
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Body mass estimates of hominin fossils and the evolution of human body size
M Grabowski, KG Hatala, WL Jungers, BG Richmond
Journal of Human Evolution 85, 75-93, 2015
Divergent patterns of integration and reduced constraint in the human hip and the origins of bipedalism
MW Grabowski, JD Polk, CC Roseman
Evolution 65 (5), 1336-1356, 2011
Hominin obstetrics and the evolution of constraints
MW Grabowski
Evolutionary Biology 40, 57-75, 2013
The evolution of body size and shape in the human career
WL Jungers, M Grabowski, KG Hatala, BG Richmond
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Bigger Brains Led to Bigger Bodies?: The Correlated Evolution of Human Brain and Body Size
M Grabowski, B Costa, D Rossoni, G Marroig, J DeSilva, ...
Current Anthropology 57 (2), 174-196., 2016
How many more? Sample size determination in studies of morphological integration and evolvability
M Grabowski, A Porto
Methods in ecology and evolution 8 (5), 592-603, 2017
Evolution of the central sulcus morphology in primates
WD Hopkins, A Meguerditchian, O Coulon, S Bogart, JF Mangin, ...
Brain Behavior and Evolution 84 (1), 19-30, 2014
Complex and changing patterns of natural selection explain the evolution of the human hip
M Grabowski, CC Roseman
Journal of human evolution 85, 94-110, 2015
Ardipithecus hand provides evidence that humans and chimpanzees evolved from an ancestor with suspensory adaptations
TC Prang, K Ramirez, M Grabowski, SA Williams
Science Advances 7 (9), eabf2474, 2021
Evolutionary modeling and correcting for observation error support a 3/5 brain-body allometry for primates
M Grabowski, KL Voje, TF Hansen
Journal of human evolution 94, 106-116, 2016
Evidence of a chimpanzee-sized ancestor of humans but a gibbon-sized ancestor of apes
M Grabowski, WL Jungers
Nature Communications 8 (1), 880, 2017
Ochre fingerprints: Distinguishing among m alawian mineral pigment sources with h omogenized o chre c hip la–icpms
AM Zipkin, JM Hanchar, AS Brooks, MW Grabowski, JC Thompson, ...
Archaeometry 57 (2), 297-317, 2015
Evolvability in the fossil record
AC Love, M Grabowski, D Houle, LH Liow, A Porto, M Tsuboi, KL Voje, ...
Paleobiology 48 (2), 186-209, 2022
Both diet and sociality affect primate brain-size evolution
M Grabowski, BT Kopperud, M Tsuboi, TF Hansen
Systematic Biology, 2023
A cautionary note on “A cautionary note on the use of Ornstein Uhlenbeck models in macroevolutionary studies”
M Grabowski, J Pienaar, KL Voje, S Andersson, J Fuentes-González, ...
Systematic Biology 72 (4), 955-963, 2023
Body mass estimates of the earliest possible hominins and implications for the last common ancestor
M Grabowski, KG Hatala, WL Jungers
Journal of Human Evolution 122, 84-92, 2018
The developmental impacts of natural selection on human pelvic morphology
M Young, D Richard, M Grabowski, BM Auerbach, BS De Bakker, ...
Science advances 8 (33), eabq4884, 2022
New fossils of Australopithecus sediba reveal a nearly complete lower back
SA Williams, TC Prang, MR Meyer, TK Nalley, R Van Der Merwe, ...
ELife 10, e70447, 2021
Slouch: stochastic linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck comparative hypotheses
BT Kopperud, J Pienaar, KL Voje, SH Orzack, TF Hansen, M Grabowski
R package version 2 (4), 2020
Measuring complex morphological traits with 3D photogrammetry: a case study with deer antlers
M Tsuboi, BT Kopperud, C Syrowatka, M Grabowski, KL Voje, C Pélabon, ...
Evolutionary Biology 47 (2), 175-186, 2020
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