Mónica Amador
Mónica Amador
Universidad de Bristol
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Citované v
The unintended impact of Colombia’s COVID-19 lockdown on forest fires
M Amador-Jiménez, N Millner, C Palmer, RT Pennington, L Sileci
Environmental and resource economics 76, 1081-1105, 2020
Biopolíticas y biotecnologías: reflexiones sobre maternidad subrogada en India
M Amador Jiménez
CS, 193-218, 2010
La incesante diáspora africana: afrocolombianas solicitantes de asilo en el norte chileno
MA Jiménez
Nomadías, 89-103, 2010
Drones, communities and nature: pitfalls and possibilities for conservation and territorial rights
LA Sauls, J Paneque-Gálvez, M Amador-Jiménez, N Vargas-Ramírez, ...
Global Social Challenges Journal 2 (1), 24-46, 2023
Sobre Biopoliticas y Biotecnologias: Maternidad subrogada en India1/About Biopolitics and Biothecnology: Surrogate Motherhood in India
MA Jiménez
Nomadías, 35-58, 2011
Quantifying resilience of socio-ecological systems through dynamic Bayesian networks
F Franco-Gaviria, M Amador-Jiménez, N Millner, C Durden, DH Urrego
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5, 889274, 2022
Militarisation under COVID-19: Understanding the differential impact of lockdown on the forests of Colombia
M Amador-Jiménez, N Millner
Frontiers in Human Dynamics 3, 769365, 2021
Complementary ways of seeing “the nature”: Integrating varieties of knowledge practices in the management of local environmental conflicts in Colombia
M Amador-Jimenez, PA Ramos Baron, S Richter
Environment and Security 2 (1), 47-74, 2024
Five theses on energy polities
BR Winthereik, S Helmreich, D O’Doherty, M Amador-Jiménez, N Marres
Energy Worlds in Experiment, 95-118, 2021
Being Paramuno: Peasant World-Making Practices in the Paramos [High Moorlands] of the Colombian Andes
M Amador-Jimenez, N Millner
Society & Natural Resources 37 (5), 733-751, 2024
Between the god-trick and pluriversal potential: Four figures of drone in tropical forest conservation
N Millner, M Amador-Jimenez
Environment and Planning F, 26349825241284060, 2024
Biopolicies and biotechnologies: reflections on surrogate maternity in India
M Amador Jiménez
CS, 193-218, 2010
Desplazamientos y fisuras: relatos de afro colombianas solicitantes de asilo en Iquique
M Amador Jiménez
Universidad de Chile, 2009
Cuantificación de la resiliencia de sistemas socioecológicos a través de redes bayesianas dinámicas
JF Franco-Gaviria, M Amador-Jiménez, N Millner, C Durden, DH Urrego
III Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería con Impacto Social CIIISOL 2023, 21, 0
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