Raymond Friddle
Raymond Friddle
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Interpreting the widespread nonlinear force spectra of intermolecular bonds
RW Friddle, A Noy, JJ De Yoreo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (34), 13573-13578, 2012
Dynamic force spectroscopy of parallel individual Mucin1–antibody bonds
TA Sulchek, RW Friddle, K Langry, EY Lau, H Albrecht, TV Ratto, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (46), 16638-16643, 2005
Rethinking classical crystal growth models through molecular scale insights: consequences of kink-limited kinetics
JJ De Yoreo, LA Zepeda-Ruiz, RW Friddle, SR Qiu, LE Wasylenki, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 9 (12), 5135-5144, 2009
Controlled electrostatic gating of carbon nanotube FET devices
AB Artyukhin, M Stadermann, RW Friddle, P Stroeve, O Bakajin, A Noy
Nano letters 6 (9), 2080-2085, 2006
Strength of multiple parallel biological bonds
T Sulchek, RW Friddle, A Noy
Biophysical journal 90 (12), 4686-4691, 2006
Practical single molecule force spectroscopy: How to determine fundamental thermodynamic parameters of intermolecular bonds with an atomic force microscope
A Noy, RW Friddle
Methods 60 (2), 142-150, 2013
Single‐Molecule Determination of the Face‐Specific Adsorption of Amelogenin’s C‐Terminus on Hydroxyapatite
RW Friddle, K Battle, V Trubetskoy, J Tao, EA Salter, J Moradian‐Oldak, ...
Angewandte Chemie 123 (33), 7683-7687, 2011
Subnanometer atomic force microscopy of peptide–mineral interactions links clustering and competition to acceleration and catastrophe
RW Friddle, ML Weaver, SR Qiu, A Wierzbicki, WH Casey, JJ De Yoreo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (1), 11-15, 2010
Mechanism of DNA compaction by yeast mitochondrial protein Abf2p
RW Friddle, JE Klare, SS Martin, M Corzett, R Balhorn, EP Baldwin, ...
Biophysical journal 86 (3), 1632-1639, 2004
Unified model of dynamic forced barrier crossing in single molecules
RW Friddle
Physical review letters 100 (13), 138302, 2008
Near-equilibrium chemical force microscopy
RW Friddle, P Podsiadlo, AB Artyukhin, A Noy
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (13), 4986-4990, 2008
Single functional group interactions with individual carbon nanotubes
RW Friddle, MC Lemieux, G Cicero, AB Artyukhin, VV Tsukruk, ...
Nature nanotechnology 2 (11), 692-697, 2007
On the origin of ‘fuzz’formation in plasma-facing materials
D Dasgupta, RD Kolasinski, RW Friddle, L Du, D Maroudas, BD Wirth
Nuclear Fusion 59 (8), 086057, 2019
Packaging of single DNA molecules by the yeast mitochondrial protein Abf2p
LR Brewer, R Friddle, A Noy, E Baldwin, SS Martin, M Corzett, R Balhorn, ...
Biophysical journal 85 (4), 2519-2524, 2003
In situ atomic force microscopy as a tool for investigating interactions and assembly dynamics in biomolecular and biomineral systems
JJ De Yoreo, S Chung, RW Friddle
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (20), 2525-2538, 2013
How the overlapping time scales for peptide binding and terrace exposure lead to nonlinear step dynamics during growth of calcium oxalate monohydrate
ML Weaver, SR Qiu, RW Friddle, WH Casey, JJ De Yoreo
Crystal growth & design 10 (7), 2954-2959, 2010
Surface Morphology and Electrical Properties of Cu3BTC2 Thin Films Before and After Reaction with TCNQ
K Thürmer, C Schneider, V Stavila, RW Friddle, F Léonard, RA Fischer, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (45), 39400-39410, 2018
Elucidating the variable-temperature mechanical properties of a negative thermal expansion metal–organic framework
J Heinen, AD Ready, TD Bennett, D Dubbeldam, RW Friddle, NC Burtch
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (25), 21079-21083, 2018
Characterization of a compact ECR plasma source and its applications to studies of helium ion damage to tungsten
D Donovan, D Buchenauer, J Whaley, R Friddle
Physica Scripta 2016 (T167), 014040, 2016
Spontaneous dynamical disordering of borophenes in MgB2 and related metal borides
S Li, H Gunda, KG Ray, CS Wong, P Xiao, RW Friddle, YS Liu, SY Kang, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 6268, 2021
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