Anders Berglund
Anders Berglund
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Radiomics: the process and the challenges
V Kumar, Y Gu, S Basu, A Berglund, SA Eschrich, MB Schabath, K Forster, ...
Magnetic resonance imaging 30 (9), 1234-1248, 2012
Some recent developments in PLS modeling
S Wold, J Trygg, A Berglund, H Antti
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 58 (2), 131-150, 2001
A high-resolution transcript profile across the wood-forming meristem of poplar identifies potential regulators of cambial stem cell identity
J Schrader, J Nilsson, E Mellerowicz, A Berglund, P Nilsson, M Hertzberg, ...
The Plant Cell 16 (9), 2278-2292, 2004
A genome-based model for adjusting radiotherapy dose (GARD): a retrospective, cohort-based study
JG Scott, A Berglund, MJ Schell, I Mihaylov, WJ Fulp, B Yue, E Welsh, ...
The lancet oncology 18 (2), 202-211, 2017
12-Chemokine gene signature identifies lymph node-like structures in melanoma: potential for patient selection for immunotherapy?
JL Messina, DA Fenstermacher, S Eschrich, X Qu, AE Berglund, MC Lloyd, ...
Scientific reports 2 (1), 765, 2012
Differential association of STK11 and TP53 with KRAS mutation-associated gene expression, proliferation and immune surveillance in lung adenocarcinoma
MB Schabath, EA Welsh, WJ Fulp, L Chen, JK Teer, ZJ Thompson, ...
Oncogene 35 (24), 3209-3216, 2016
Quantitative computed tomographic descriptors associate tumor shape complexity and intratumor heterogeneity with prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma
O Grove, AE Berglund, MB Schabath, HJWL Aerts, A Dekker, H Wang, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0118261, 2015
PCA and PLS with very large data sets
N Kettaneh, A Berglund, S Wold
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 48 (1), 69-85, 2005
Suppression of STING signaling through epigenetic silencing and missense mutation impedes DNA damage mediated cytokine production
H Konno, S Yamauchi, A Berglund, RM Putney, JJ Mulé, GN Barber
Oncogene 37 (15), 2037-2051, 2018
Radiosensitivity differences between liver metastases based on primary histology suggest implications for clinical outcomes after stereotactic body radiation therapy
KA Ahmed, JJ Caudell, G El-Haddad, AE Berglund, EA Welsh, B Yue, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 95 (5), 1399-1404, 2016
INLR, implicit non‐linear latent variable regression
A Berglund, S Wold
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 11 (2), 141-156, 1997
An immunoproteomic approach to characterize the CAR interactome and signalosome
MC Ramello, I Benzaïd, BM Kuenzi, M Lienlaf-Moreno, WM Kandell, ...
Science signaling 12 (568), eaap9777, 2019
Innovations in research and clinical care using patient‐generated health data
HSL Jim, AI Hoogland, NC Brownstein, A Barata, AP Dicker, H Knoop, ...
CA: a cancer journal for clinicians 70 (3), 182-199, 2020
Iterative rank-order normalization of gene expression microarray data
EA Welsh, SA Eschrich, AE Berglund, DA Fenstermacher
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-11, 2013
Acidity promotes tumour progression by altering macrophage phenotype in prostate cancer
A El-Kenawi, C Gatenbee, M Robertson-Tessi, R Bravo, J Dhillon, ...
British journal of cancer 121 (7), 556-566, 2019
A multivariate approach applied to microarray data for identification of genes with cell cycle-coupled transcription
D Johansson, P Lindgren, A Berglund
Bioinformatics 19 (4), 467-473, 2003
Epigenetic reprogramming of tumor cell–intrinsic STING function sculpts antigenicity and T cell recognition of melanoma
R Falahat, A Berglund, RM Putney, P Perez-Villarroel, S Aoyama, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15), e2013598118, 2021
miRNAs associated with prostate cancer risk and progression
HN Luu, HY Lin, KD Sørensen, OO Ogunwobi, N Kumar, G Chornokur, ...
BMC urology 17, 1-18, 2017
Differences between colon cancer primaries and metastases using a molecular assay for tumor radiation sensitivity suggest implications for potential oligometastatic SBRT …
KA Ahmed, WJ Fulp, AE Berglund, SE Hoffe, TJ Dilling, SA Eschrich, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 92 (4), 837-842, 2015
Sirt2 inhibition enhances metabolic fitness and effector functions of tumor-reactive T cells
I Hamaidi, L Zhang, N Kim, MH Wang, C Iclozan, B Fang, M Liu, ...
Cell metabolism 32 (3), 420-436. e12, 2020
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