Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Carolina Oliveira de LimaĎalšie informácie
Nedostupné nikde: 1
Mechanical tests, metallurgical characterization, and shaping ability of nickel-titanium rotary instruments: a multimethod research
EJNL Silva, JNR Martins, CO Lima, VTL Vieira, FMB Fernandes, ...
Journal of Endodontics 46 (10), 1485-1494, 2020
Príkazy: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Dostupné niekde: 2
Multimethod analysis of three rotary instruments produced by electric discharge machining technology
EJNL Silva, NC Ajuz, JNR Martins, BR Antunes, CO Lima, VTL Vieira, ...
International Endodontic Journal 56 (6), 775-785, 2023
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia …
Influence of access cavity preparation on the dentine thickness of mesial canals of mandibular molars prepared with reciprocating instruments
EJNL Silva, CO Lima, AFA Barbosa, T Moreira, EM Souza, G De‐Deus, ...
International Endodontic Journal 55 (1), 113-123, 2022
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
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