Michele Rebesco
Michele Rebesco
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The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0
M Jakobsson, L Mayer, B Coakley, JA Dowdeswell, S Forbes, B Fridman, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (12), 2012
Contourites and associated sediments controlled by deep-water circulation processes: State-of-the-art and future considerations
M Rebesco, FJ Hernández-Molina, D Van Rooij, A Wåhlin
Marine Geology 352, 111-154, 2014
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) Version 1.0—A new bathymetric compilation covering circum‐Antarctic waters
JE Arndt, HW Schenke, M Jakobsson, FO Nitsche, G Buys, B Goleby, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (12), 3111-3117, 2013
Contourites, Developments in Sedimentology
M Rebesco, A Camerlenghi
Access Online via Elsevier 60, 666 pp., 2008
Seismic expression of contourites and related deposits: a preface
M Rebesco, D Stow
Marine Geophysical Researches 22, 303-308, 2001
The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean version 4.0
M Jakobsson, LA Mayer, C Bringensparr, CF Castro, R Mohammad, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 176, 2020
Contourite depositional system on the Argentine Slope: An exceptional record of the influence of Antarctic water masses
FJ Hernández-Molina, M Paterlini, R Violante, P Marshall, M de Isasi, ...
Geology 37 (6), 507-510, 2009
Giant sediment drifts on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula
M Rebesco, RD Larter, A Camerlenghi, PF Barker
Geo-Marine Letters 16, 65-75, 1996
The history of sedimentation on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula
M Rebesco, RD Larter, PF Barker, A Camerlenghi, LE Vanneste
Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic margin, 2 71, 29-49, 1997
Economic and palaeoceanographic significance of contourite deposits
A Viana, M Rebesco
Geological Society 276 (276), 350 pp., 2007
Sedimentary environments: contourites
M Rebesco
Encyclopedia of geology, 513-527, 2004
Cenozoic tectonic, sedimentary and glacial history of the continental shelf west of Graham Land, Antarctic Peninsula
RD Larter, M Rebesco, LE Vanneste, LAP Gamboa, PF Barker
Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic margin 2, 1-27, 1997
Giant mounded drifts in the Argentine Continental Margin: Origins, and global implications for the history of thermohaline circulation
FJ Hernández-Molina, M Paterlini, L Somoza, R Violante, MA Arecco, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 27 (7), 1508-1530, 2010
Deep-water contourite systems: modern drifts and ancient series, seismic and sedimentary characteristics
DAV Stow
Geological Society of London, 2002
Mid-late Pleistocene glacimarine sedimentary processes of a high-latitude, deep-sea sediment drift (Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin)
RG Lucchi, M Rebesco, A Camerlenghi, M Busetti, L Tomadin, G Villa, ...
Marine Geology 189 (3-4), 343-370, 2002
Sediment drifts and deep-sea channel systems, Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin
M Rebesco, CJ Pudsey, M Canals, A Camerlenghi, PF Barker, F Estrada, ...
Miocene reversal of bottom water flow along the Pacific Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula: stratigraphic evidence from a contourite sedimentary tail
FJ Hernández-Molina, RD Larter, M Rebesco, A Maldonado
Marine Geology 228 (1-4), 93-116, 2006
Effects of biogenic silica on sediment compaction and slope stability on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
V Volpi, A Camerlenghi, CD Hillenbrand, M Rebesco, R Ivaldi
Basin Research 15 (3), 339-363, 2003
Subglacial morphology and glacial evolution of the Palmer deep outlet system, Antarctic Peninsula
E Domack, D Amblàs, R Gilbert, S Brachfeld, A Camerlenghi, M Rebesco, ...
Geomorphology 75 (1-2), 125-142, 2006
Postglacial sedimentary processes on the Storfjorden and Kveithola trough mouth fans: Significance of extreme glacimarine sedimentation
RG Lucchi, A Camerlenghi, M Rebesco, E Colmenero-Hidalgo, FJ Sierro, ...
Global and planetary change 111, 309-326, 2013
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