Daniele Micciancio
Daniele Micciancio
Professor of Computer Science, University of California San Diego
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Citované v
Citované v
Trapdoors for lattices: Simpler, tighter, faster, smaller
D Micciancio, C Peikert
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2012
Worst-case to average-case reductions based on Gaussian measures
D Micciancio, O Regev
SIAM Journal on Computing 37 (1), 267, 2007
Lattice-based cryptography
D Micciancio, O Regev
Post-quantum cryptography, 147-191, 2009
Multicast security: A taxonomy and some efficient constructions
R Canetti, J Garay, G Itkis, D Micciancio, M Naor, B Pinkas
INFOCOM'99. Eighteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 1999
FHEW: bootstrapping homomorphic encryption in less than a second
L Ducas, D Micciancio
Annual international conference on the theory and applications of …, 2015
Foundations of group signatures: Formal definitions, simplified requirements, and a construction based on general assumptions
M Bellare, D Micciancio, B Warinschi
Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT 2003: International Conference on the …, 2003
Complexity of lattice problems: a cryptographic perspective
D Micciancio, S Goldwasser
Springer Netherlands, 2002
Homomorphic encryption standard
M Albrecht, M Chase, H Chen, J Ding, S Goldwasser, S Gorbunov, ...
Protecting privacy through homomorphic encryption, 31-62, 2021
The shortest vector in a lattice is hard to approximate to within some constant
D Micciancio
SIAM J. on Computing 30 (6), 2008-2035, 2001
Generalized compact knapsacks, cyclic lattices, and efficient one-way functions
D Micciancio
Computational Complexity 16 (4), 365-411, 2007
Generalized compact knapsacks are collision resistant
V Lyubashevsky, D Micciancio
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 144-155, 2006
Hardness of SIS and LWE with small parameters
D Micciancio, C Peikert
Annual cryptology conference, 21-39, 2013
A deterministic single exponential time algorithm for most lattice problems based on Voronoi cell computations
D Micciancio, P Voulgaris
Proceedings of the Forty-second ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 351-358, 2010
SWIFFT: A modest proposal for FFT hashing
V Lyubashevsky, D Micciancio, C Peikert, A Rosen
Fast Software Encryption, 54-72, 2008
Faster exponential time algorithms for the shortest vector problem
D Micciancio, P Voulgaris
Proceedings of the twenty-first annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2010
A new paradigm for collision-free hashing: Incrementality at reduced cost
M Bellare, D Micciancio
International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic …, 1997
Openfhe: Open-source fully homomorphic encryption library
A Al Badawi, J Bates, F Bergamaschi, DB Cousins, S Erabelli, N Genise, ...
proceedings of the 10th workshop on encrypted computing & applied …, 2022
Soundness of formal encryption in the presence of active adversaries
D Micciancio, B Warinschi
Theory of Cryptography Conference, 133-151, 2004
Asymptotically efficient lattice-based digital signatures
V Lyubashevsky, D Micciancio
Journal of Cryptology 31, 774-797, 2018
Improving lattice based cryptosystems using the Hermite normal form
D Micciancio
Cryptography and Lattices, 126-145, 2001
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