M Faisal Haider
M Faisal Haider
Test R&D Engineer at Intel Corp.
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Citované v
Recent advances in piezoelectric wafer active sensors for structural health monitoring applications
H Mei, MF Haider, R Joseph, A Migot, V Giurgiutiu
Sensors 19 (2), 383, 2019
Pure S0 and SH0 detections of various damage types in aerospace composites
H Mei, MF Haider, R James, V Giurgiutiu
Composites Part B: Engineering 189, 107906, 2020
Handbook of nondestructive evaluation 4.0
N Meyendorf
Springer, 2022
Multi-physics response of structural composites and framework for modeling using material geometry
PK Majumdar, M FaisalHaider, K Reifsnider
54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC structures, structural dynamics, and materials …, 2013
Analytical and experimental investigation of the interaction of Lamb waves in a stiffened aluminum plate with a horizontal crack at the root of the stiffener
MF Haider, MY Bhuiyan, B Poddar, B Lin, V Giurgiutiu
Journal of Sound and Vibration 431, 212-225, 2018
Multimode guided wave detection for various composite damage types
H Mei, R James, MF Haider, V Giurgiutiu
Applied Sciences 10 (2), 484, 2020
Vibration-based in-situ detection and quantification of delamination in composite plates
H Mei, A Migot, MF Haider, R Joseph, MY Bhuiyan, V Giurgiutiu
Sensors 19 (7), 1734, 2019
A simulative and experimental approach toward Eddy current nondestructive evaluation of manufacturing flaws and operational damage in CFRP composites
R James, M Faisal Haider, V Giurgiutiu, D Lilienthal
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of …, 2020
Nonlinear anisotropic electrical response of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites
MF Haider, PK Majumdar, S Angeloni, KL Reifsnider
Journal of Composite Materials; …, 2017
Analysis of axis symmetric circular crested elastic wave generated during crack propagation in a plate: A Helmholtz potential technique
MF Haider, V Giurgiutiu
International Journal of Solids and Structures 134, 130-150, 2018
Irreversibility effects in piezoelectric wafer active sensors after exposure to high temperature
MF Haider, V Giurgiutiu, B Lin, L Yu
Smart Materials and Structures 26 (9), 14, 2017
Hybrid SAFE-GMM approach for predictive modeling of guided wave propagation in layered media
R Joseph, L Li, MF Haider, V Giurgiutiu
Engineering Structures 193, 194-206, 2019
Propagating, evanescent, and complex wavenumber guided waves in high-performance composites
V Giurgiutiu, M Faisal Haider
Materials 12 (2), 269, 2019
A Helmholtz Potential Approach to the Analysis of Guided Wave Generation During Acoustic Emission Events
MF Haider, V Giurgiutiu
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of …, 2018
Static tactile sensing for a robotic electronic skin via an electromechanical impedance-based approach
C Liu, Y Zhuang, A Nasrollahi, L Lu, MF Haider, FK Chang
Sensors 20 (10), 2830, 2020
Theoretical calculation of circular-crested Lamb wave field in single-and multi-layer isotropic plates using the normal mode expansion method
L Li, M Faisal Haider, H Mei, V Giurgiutiu, Y Xia
Structural Health Monitoring 19 (2), 357-372, 2020
Experimental investigation of impact localization in composite plate using newly developed imaging method
M Faisal Haider, A Migot, MY Bhuiyan, V Giurgiutiu
Inventions 3 (3), 59, 2018
Experimental validation of an analytical method to predict lamb wave scattering from a discontinuity
MF Haider, B Poddar, V Giurgiutiu
Smart Materials and Structures 28 (1), 015012, 2018
Simulation of lamb wave propagation using excitation potentials
MF Haider, V Giurgiutiu, B Lin, Y Yu
ASME Paper No. PVP2017-66074. https://www. researchgate. net/publication …, 2017
Multi-physical description of material state change in composite materials
P Majumdar, Y Bhuiyan, J Clifford, F Haider, K Reifsnider
Proceedings of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process …, 2015
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