Patrick Aloy
Patrick Aloy
ICREA Research Professor at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine
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Citované v
Proteome survey reveals modularity of the yeast cell machinery
AC Gavin, P Aloy, P Grandi, R Krause, M Boesche, M Marzioch, C Rau, ...
Nature 440 (7084), 631-636, 2006
A proteome-scale map of the human interactome network
T Rolland, M Taşan, B Charloteaux, SJ Pevzner, Q Zhong, N Sahni, S Yi, ...
Cell 159 (5), 1212-1226, 2014
A reference map of the human binary protein interactome
K Luck, DK Kim, L Lambourne, K Spirohn, BE Begg, W Bian, R Brignall, ...
Nature 580 (7803), 402-408, 2020
Widespread expansion of protein interaction capabilities by alternative splicing
X Yang, J Coulombe-Huntington, S Kang, GM Sheynkman, T Hao, ...
Cell 164 (4), 805-817, 2016
Interactome3D: adding structural details to protein networks
R Mosca, A Céol, P Aloy
Nature methods 10 (1), 47-53, 2013
Relation between amino acid composition and cellular location of proteins
J Cedano, P Aloy, JA Perez-Pons, E Querol
Journal of molecular biology 266 (3), 594-600, 1997
Structure-based assembly of protein complexes in yeast
P Aloy, B Bottcher, H Ceulemans, C Leutwein, C Mellwig, S Fischer, ...
Science 303 (5666), 2026-2029, 2004
Interrogating protein interaction networks through structural biology
P Aloy, RB Russell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (9), 5896-5901, 2002
Structural systems biology: modelling protein interactions
P Aloy, RB Russell
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 7 (3), 188-197, 2006
Unveiling the role of network and systems biology in drug discovery
A Pujol, R Mosca, J Farrés, P Aloy
Trends in pharmacological sciences 31 (3), 115-123, 2010
The relationship between sequence and interaction divergence in proteins
P Aloy, H Ceulemans, A Stark, RB Russell
Journal of molecular biology 332 (5), 989-998, 2003
Systems analysis of intracellular pH vulnerabilities for cancer therapy
E Persi, M Duran-Frigola, M Damaghi, WR Roush, P Aloy, JL Cleveland, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2997, 2018
A structural perspective on protein–protein interactions
RB Russell, F Alber, P Aloy, FP Davis, D Korkin, M Pichaud, M Topf, A Sali
Current opinion in structural biology 14 (3), 313-324, 2004
Automated structure-based prediction of functional sites in proteins: applications to assessing the validity of inheriting protein function from homology in genome annotation …
P Aloy, E Querol, FX Aviles, MJE Sternberg
Journal of molecular biology 311 (2), 395-408, 2001
3did: a catalog of domain-based interactions of known three-dimensional structure
R Mosca, A Céol, A Stein, R Olivella, P Aloy
Nucleic acids research 42 (D1), D374-D379, 2014
InterPreTS: protein Interaction Prediction through Tertiary Structure
P Aloy, RB Russell
Bioinformatics 19 (1), 161-162, 2003
The binary protein-protein interaction landscape of Escherichia coli
SV Rajagopala, P Sikorski, A Kumar, R Mosca, J Vlasblom, R Arnold, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (3), 285-290, 2014
Ten thousand interactions for the molecular biologist
P Aloy, RB Russell
Nature biotechnology 22 (10), 1317-1321, 2004
3did: interacting protein domains of known three-dimensional structure
A Stein, RB Russell, P Aloy
Nucleic acids research 33 (suppl_1), D413-D417, 2005
The proton-pump inhibitor lansoprazole enhances amyloid beta production
N Badiola, V Alcalde, A Pujol, LM Münter, G Multhaup, A Lleó, M Coma, ...
PloS one 8 (3), e58837, 2013
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