Gerd Schönhense
Gerd Schönhense
Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Mainz, Germany
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Citované v
Correlation in the transition-metal-based Heusler compounds and
HC Kandpal, GH Fecher, C Felser, G Schönhense
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (9), 094422, 2006
Slater-Pauling rule and Curie temperature of Co2-based Heusler compounds
GH Fecher, HC Kandpal, S Wurmehl, C Felser, G Schönhense
Journal of applied physics 99 (8), 2006
Investigating surface magnetism by means of photoexcitation electron emission microscopy
CM Schneider, G Schönhense
Reports on Progress in Physics 65 (12), 1785, 2002
Time-resolved two photon photoemission electron microscopy
O Schmidt, M Bauer, C Wiemann, R Porath, M Scharte, O Andreyev, ...
Applied Physics B 74, 223-227, 2002
Circular dichroism and spin polarization in photoemission from adsorbates and non-magnetic solids
G Schönhense
Physica Scripta 1990 (T31), 255, 1990
Photoemission electron microscopy as a tool for the investigation of optical near fields
M Cinchetti, A Gloskovskii, SA Nepjiko, G Schönhense, H Rochholz, ...
Physical review letters 95 (4), 047601, 2005
Electronic structure and spectroscopy of the quaternary Heusler alloy Co2Cr1− xFexAl
S Wurmehl, GH Fecher, K Kroth, F Kronast, HA Dürr, Y Takeda, Y Saitoh, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (5), 803, 2006
Circular dichroism in the angular distribution of photoelectrons from oriented CO molecules
C Westphal, J Bansmann, M Getzlaff, G Schönhense
Physical review letters 63 (2), 151, 1989
Direct 3D mapping of the Fermi surface and Fermi velocity
K Medjanik, O Fedchenko, S Chernov, D Kutnyakhov, M Ellguth, ...
Nature materials 16 (6), 615-621, 2017
Recent progress in photoemission microscopy with emphasis on chemical and magnetic sensitivity
W Swiech, GH Fecher, C Ziethen, O Schmidt, G Schönhense, ...
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 84 (1-3), 171-188, 1997
Design of magnetic materials: the electronic structure of the ordered, doped Heusler compoundCo2Cr1− xFexAl
GH Fecher, HC Kandpal, S Wurmehl, J Morais, HJ Lin, HJ Elmers, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (46), 7237, 2005
Transmission of electrons through ferromagnetic material and applications to detection of electron spin polarization
G Schönhense, HC Siegmann
Annalen der Physik 505 (5), 465-474, 1993
Characterization of symmetry properties of Pt (111) electron bands by means of angle-, energy-, and spin-resolved photoemission with circularly polarized synchrotron radiation
A Eyers, F Schäfers, G Schönhense, U Heinzmann, HP Oepen, K Hünlich, ...
Physical review letters 52 (17), 1559, 1984
Observation of time-reversal symmetry breaking in the band structure of altermagnetic RuO2
O Fedchenko, J Minár, A Akashdeep, SW D’Souza, D Vasilyev, O Tkach, ...
Science advances 10 (5), eadj4883, 2024
The new dedicated HAXPES beamline P22 at PETRAIII
C Schlueter, A Gloskovskii, K Ederer, I Schostak, S Piec, I Sarkar, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2054 (1), 2019
Magnetic sensitivity of a dispersion of aggregated ferromagnetic carbon nanotubes in liquid crystals
O Buluy, S Nepijko, V Reshetnyak, E Ouskova, V Zadorozhnii, ...
Soft Matter 7 (2), 644-649, 2011
High‐flux normal incidence monochromator for circularly polarized synchrotron radiation
F Schäfers, W Peatman, A Eyers, C Heckenkamp, G Schönhense, ...
Review of scientific instruments 57 (6), 1032-1041, 1986
Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in 2020
C Kalha, NK Fernando, P Bhatt, FOL Johansson, A Lindblad, H Rensmo, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (23), 233001, 2021
Spin resolved photoelectron microscopy using a two-dimensional spin-polarizing electron mirror
C Tusche, M Ellguth, AA Ünal, CT Chiang, A Winkelmann, A Krasyuk, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (3), 2011
Space-, time-and spin-resolved photoemission
G Schönhense, K Medjanik, HJ Elmers
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 200, 94-118, 2015
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