Nandy Putra
Nandy Putra
Professor Heat Transfer, University of Indonesia
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Citované v
Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity enhancement for nanofluids
SK Das, N Putra, P Thiesen, W Roetzel
J. Heat Transfer 125 (4), 567-574, 2003
Pool boiling characteristics of nano-fluids
SK Das, N Putra, W Roetzel
International journal of heat and mass transfer 46 (5), 851-862, 2003
Natural convection of nano-fluids
N Putra, W Roetzel, SK Das
Heat and mass transfer 39 (8), 775-784, 2003
Pool boiling of nano-fluids on horizontal narrow tubes
SK Das, N Putra, W Roetzel
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 29 (8), 1237-1247, 2003
Thermal properties of beeswax/graphene phase change material as energy storage for building applications
M Amin, N Putra, EA Kosasih, E Prawiro, RA Luanto, TMI Mahlia
Applied Thermal Engineering 112, 273-280, 2017
Phase change materials (PCM) for solar energy usages and storage: An overview
M Mofijur, TMI Mahlia, AS Silitonga, HC Ong, M Silakhori, MH Hasan, ...
Energies 12 (16), 3167, 2019
Experimental investigation on performance of lithium-ion battery thermal management system using flat plate loop heat pipe for electric vehicle application
N Putra, B Ariantara, RA Pamungkas
Applied thermal engineering 99, 784-789, 2016
Experiment and analysis for non-Fourier conduction in materials with non-homogeneous inner structure
W Roetzel, N Putra, SK Das
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 42 (6), 541-552, 2003
Thermal performance of screen mesh wick heat pipes with nanofluids
N Putra, WN Septiadi, H Rahman, R Irwansyah
Experimental thermal and fluid science 40, 10-17, 2012
Application of nanofluids to a heat pipe liquid-block and the thermoelectric cooling of electronic equipment
N Putra, FN Iskandar
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 35 (7), 1274-1281, 2011
Performance of beeswax phase change material (PCM) and heat pipe as passive battery cooling system for electric vehicles
N Putra, AF Sandi, B Ariantara, N Abdullah, TMI Mahlia
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 21, 100655, 2020
Electric motor thermal management system using L-shaped flat heat pipes
N Putra, B Ariantara
Applied Thermal Engineering 126, 1156-1163, 2017
Experimental investigation of thermal conductivity and heat pipe thermal performance of ZnO nanofluids
R Saleh, N Putra, SP Prakoso, WN Septiadi
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 63, 125-132, 2013
Preparation of beeswax/multi-walled carbon nanotubes as novel shape-stable nanocomposite phase-change material for thermal energy storage
N Putra, S Rawi, M Amin, E Kusrini, EA Kosasih, TMI Mahlia
Journal of Energy Storage 21, 32-39, 2019
Titanium dioxide nanofluids for heat transfer applications
R Saleh, N Putra, RE Wibowo, WN Septiadi, SP Prakoso
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 52, 19-29, 2014
Potensi pembangkit daya termoelektrik untuk kendaraan hibrid
N Putra, RA Koestoer, M Adhitya, A Roekettino, B Trianto
Makara Journal of Technology 13 (2), 149036, 2009
Thermal performance of biomaterial wick loop heat pipes with water-base Al2O3 nanofluids
N Putra, R Saleh, WN Septiadi, A Okta, Z Hamid
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 76, 128-136, 2014
Passive cooling system in a nuclear spent fuel pool using a vertical straight wickless-heat pipe
MH Kusuma, N Putra, AR Antariksawan, RA Koestoer, S Widodo, ...
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 126, 162-171, 2018
The characterization of a cascade thermoelectric cooler in a cryosurgery device
N Putra, W Sukyono, D Johansen, FN Iskandar
Cryogenics 50 (11-12), 759-764, 2010
Investigation of the thermal performance of a vertical two-phase closed thermosyphon as a passive cooling system for a nuclear reactor spent fuel storage pool
MH Kusuma, N Putra, AR Antariksawan, FA Imawan
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 49 (3), 476-483, 2017
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