Cecilia Essau
Cecilia Essau
Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, Roehampton University
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Citované v
Callous-unemotional traits in a community sample of adolescents
CA Essau, S Sasagawa, PJ Frick
Assessment 13 (4), 454-469, 2006
Frequency, comorbidity, and psychosocial impairment of anxiety disorders in German adolescents
CA Essau, J Conradt, F Petermann
Journal of anxiety disorders 14 (3), 263-279, 2000
Frequency and comorbidity of social phobia and social fears in adolescents
CA Essau, J Conradt, F Petermann
Behaviour research and therapy 37 (9), 831-843, 1999
Lifetime and six-month prevalence of mental disorders in the Munich Follow-Up Study
HU Wittchen, CA Essau, D Von Zerssen, JC Krieg, M Zaudig
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 241, 247-258, 1992
Gender differences in the developmental course of depression
CA Essau, PM Lewinsohn, JR Seeley, S Sasagawa
Journal of affective disorders 127 (1-3), 185-190, 2010
Psychometric properties of the Alabama parenting questionnaire
CA Essau, S Sasagawa, PJ Frick
Journal of Child and Family Studies 15, 595-614, 2006
Die Depressions-Angst-Stress-Skalen: Der DASS – ein Screeningverfahren nicht nur für Schmerzpatienten.
C Nilges,P. & Essau
Schmerz, 1-9, 2015
Anxiety disorders in adolescents and psychosocial outcomes at age 30
CA Essau, PM Lewinsohn, B Olaya, JR Seeley
Journal of affective disorders 163, 125-132, 2014
The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on internet use and escapism in adolescents
B Fernandes, UN Biswas, RT Mansukhani, AV Casarín, CA Essau
Revista de psicología clínica con niños y adolescentes 7 (3), 59-65, 2020
Frequency and patterns of mental health services utilization among adolescents with anxiety and depressive disorders
CA Essau
Depression and anxiety 22 (3), 130-137, 2005
Comorbidity and boundaries of affective disorders with anxiety disorders and substance misuse: results of an international task force
KR Merikangas, J Angst, W Eaton, G Canino, M Rubio-Stipec, H Wacker, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 168 (S30), 58-67, 1996
Prevention of anxiety symptoms in children: Results from a universal school-based trial
CA Essau, J Conradt, S Sasagawa, TH Ollendick
Behavior therapy 43 (2), 450-464, 2012
Reliability and validity of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale and the Screen for Child Anxiety Related emotional disorders in German children
CA Essau, P Muris, EM Ederer
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 33 (1), 1-18, 2002
Depression in adolescents.
PM Lewinsohn, CA Essau
The Guilford Press, 2002
Frequency, comorbidity, and psychosocial impairment of specific phobia in adolescents
CA Essau, J Conradt, F Petermann
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 29 (2), 221-231, 2000
Incidence, recurrence and comorbidity of anxiety disorders in four major developmental stages
CA Essau, PM Lewinsohn, JX Lim, RH Moon-ho, P Rohde
Journal of affective disorders 228, 248-253, 2018
Course and outcome of anxiety disorders in adolescents
CA Essau, J Conradt, F Petermann
Journal of anxiety disorders 16 (1), 67-81, 2002
Advancing psychotherapy and evidence‐based psychological interventions
PMG Emmelkamp, D David, TOM Beckers, P Muris, P Cuijpers, W Lutz, ...
International journal of methods in psychiatric research 23 (S1), 58-91, 2014
Anxiety symptoms in Chinese and German adolescents: Their relationship with early learning experiences, perfectionism, and learning motivation
CA Essau, PWL Leung, J Conradt, H Cheng, T Wong
Depression and anxiety 25 (9), 801-810, 2008
Anxiety disorders: similarities and differences of comorbidity in treated and untreated groups
HU Wittchen, CA Essau, JC Krieg
The British Journal of Psychiatry 159 (S12), 23-33, 1991
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