Bo Li, 李博
Bo Li, 李博
Professor, State Key Lab of Engines, Tianjin University
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Citované v
Turbulence and combustion interaction: high resolution local flame front structure visualization using simultaneous single-shot PLIF imaging of CH, OH, and CH 2 O in a piloted …
ZS Li, B Li, ZW Sun, XS Bai, M Aldén
Combustion and Flame 157 (6), 1087-1096, 2010
Investigation of combustion enhancement by ozone additive in CH 4/air flames using direct laminar burning velocity measurements and kinetic simulations
ZH Wang, L Yang, B Li, ZS Li, ZW Sun, M Aldén, KF Cen, AA Konnov
Combustion and flame 159 (1), 120-129, 2012
In-situ measurement of sodium and potassium release during oxy-fuel combustion of lignite using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: effects of O2 and CO2 concentration
Y He, J Zhu, B Li, Z Wang, Z Li, M Aldén, K Cen
Energy & Fuels 27 (2), 1123-1130, 2013
High resolution imaging of flameless and distributed turbulent combustion
C Duwig, B Li, ZS Li, M Aldén
Combustion and Flame 159 (1), 306-316, 2012
Simultaneous visualization of OH, CH, CH 2 O and toluene PLIF in a methane jet flame with varying degrees of turbulence
J Sjöholm, J Rosell, B Li, M Richter, Z Li, XS Bai, M Aldén
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 1475-1482, 2013
Laser diagnostics and chemical kinetic analysis of PAHs and soot in co-flow partially premixed flames using diesel surrogate and oxygenated additives of n-butanol …
H Liu, P Zhang, X Liu, B Chen, C Geng, B Li, H Wang, Z Li, M Yao
Combustion and Flame 188, 129-141, 2018
Experimental and modeling study of laminar burning velocity of biomass derived gases/air mixtures
B Yan, Y Wu, C Liu, JF Yu, B Li, ZS Li, G Chen, XS Bai, M Aldén, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (5), 3769-3777, 2011
Investigation on crystalline structure, boron distribution, and residual stresses in freestanding boron-doped CVD diamond films
H Li, T Zhang, L Li, X Lü, B Li, Z Jin, G Zou
Journal of crystal growth 312 (12-13), 1986-1991, 2010
Post-flame gas-phase sulfation of potassium chloride
B Li, Z Sun, Z Li, M Aldén, JG Jakobsen, S Hansen, P Glarborg
Combustion and flame 160 (5), 959-969, 2013
Measurements of NO concentration in NH 3-doped CH 4+ air flames using saturated laser-induced fluorescence and probe sampling
B Li, Y He, Z Li, AA Konnov
Combustion and Flame 160 (1), 40-46, 2013
Experimental and numerical study of a conical turbulent partially premixed flame
B Li, E Baudoin, R Yu, ZW Sun, ZS Li, XS Bai, M Alden, MS Mansour
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2), 1811-1818, 2009
Quantitative detection of hydrogen peroxide in an HCCI engine using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence
B Li, M Jonsson, M Algotsson, J Bood, ZS Li, O Johansson, M Aldén, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 3573-3581, 2013
Photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence imaging in premixed flames
O Johansson, J Bood, B Li, A Ehn, ZS Li, ZW Sun, M Jonsson, AA Konnov, ...
Combustion and Flame 158 (10), 1908-1919, 2011
A novel multi-jet burner for hot flue gases of wide range of temperatures and compositions for optical diagnostics of solid fuels gasification/combustion
W Weng, J Borggren, B Li, M Aldén, Z Li
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (4), 2017
Detection of C2H2 and HCl using mid-infrared degenerate four-wave mixing with stable beam alignment: towards practical in situ sensing of trace molecular species
ZW Sun, ZS Li, B Li, M Aldén, P Ewart
Applied Physics B 98, 593-600, 2010
Investigation of flue-gas treatment with O 3 injection using NO and NO 2 planar laser-induced fluorescence
ZH Wang, B Li, A Ehn, ZW Sun, ZS Li, J Bood, M Aldén, KF Cen
Fuel 89 (9), 2346-2352, 2010
Structures and stabilization of low calorific value gas turbulent partially premixed flames in a conical burner
B Yan, B Li, E Baudoin, C Liu, ZW Sun, ZS Li, XS Bai, M Aldén, G Chen, ...
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 34 (3), 412-419, 2010
Influence of ferrocene addition to a laminar premixed propene flame: Laser diagnostics, mass spectrometry and numerical simulations
K Tian, ZS Li, S Staude, B Li, ZW Sun, A Lantz, M Aldén, B Atakan
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 445-452, 2009
Fluorescence lifetime imaging in a flame
A Ehn, O Johansson, J Bood, A Arvidsson, B Li, M Aldén
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 807-813, 2011
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in gases using ungated detection in combination with polarization filtering and online background correction
J Kiefer, JW Tröger, T Seeger, A Leipertz, B Li, ZS Li, M Aldén
Measurement Science and Technology 21 (6), 065303, 2010
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