xinting ge
xinting ge
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Citované v
Development of the human fetal hippocampal formation during early second trimester
X Ge, Y Shi, J Li, Z Zhang, X Lin, J Zhan, H Ge, J Xu, Q Yu, Y Leng, ...
Neuroimage 119, 33-43, 2015
Tumor recurrence versus treatment effects in glioma: a comparative study of three dimensional pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling and dynamic susceptibility contrast imaging
Q Xu, Q Liu, H Ge, X Ge, J Wu, J Qu, K Xu
Medicine 96 (50), e9332, 2017
Attention performance measured by attention network test is correlated with global and regional efficiency of structural brain networks
M Xiao, H Ge, BS Khundrakpam, J Xu, G Bezgin, Y Leng, L Zhao, Y Tang, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 10, 194, 2016
A probabilistic atlas of locus coeruleus pathways to transentorhinal cortex for connectome imaging in Alzheimer's disease
W Sun, Y Tang, Y Qiao, X Ge, M Mather, JM Ringman, Y Shi, ...
NeuroImage 223, 117301, 2020
Accurate segmentation of green fruit based on optimized mask RCNN application in complex orchard
W Jia, J Wei, Q Zhang, N Pan, Y Niu, X Yin, Y Ding, X Ge
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 955256, 2022
Morphometric development of the human fetal cerebellum during the early second trimester
F Xu, X Ge, Y Shi, Z Zhang, Y Tang, X Lin, G Teng, F Zang, N Gao, H Liu, ...
Neuroimage 207, 116372, 2020
Dual-modal information bottleneck network for seizure detection
J Wang, X Ge, Y Shi, M Sun, Q Gong, H Wang, W Huang
International journal of neural systems 33 (01), 2250061, 2023
Automatic seizure identification from EEG signals based on brain connectivity learning
Y Zhao, M Xue, C Dong, J He, D Chu, G Zhang, F Xu, X Ge, Y Zheng
International journal of neural systems 32 (11), 2250050, 2022
Increasing breadth of the frontal lobe but decreasing height of the human brain between two Chinese samples from a Neolithic site and from living humans
C Liu, Y Tang, H Ge, F Wang, H Sun, H Meng, S Wang, J Xu, R Fan, L Fan, ...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 154 (1), 94-103, 2014
Phenotypic and genetic correlations between the lobar segments of the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus and attention
Y Leng, Y Shi, Q Yu, JD Van Horn, H Tang, J Li, W Xu, X Ge, Y Tang, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 33015, 2016
Morphological development trajectory and structural covariance network of the human fetal cortical plate during the early second trimester
F Xu, M Liu, SY Kim, X Ge, Z Zhang, Y Tang, X Lin, AW Toga, S Liu, H Kim
Cerebral Cortex 31 (10), 4794-4807, 2021
Tumor-targeted Gd-doped mesoporous Fe3O4 nanoparticles for T1/T2 MR imaging guided synergistic cancer therapy
S Zheng, S Jin, M Jiao, W Wang, X Zhou, J Xu, Y Wang, P Dou, Z Jin, ...
Drug Delivery 28 (1), 787-799, 2021
Hippocampal asymmetry of regional development and structural covariance in preterm neonates
X Ge, Y Zheng, Y Qiao, N Pan, JP Simon, M Lee, W Jiang, H Kim, Y Shi, ...
Cerebral Cortex 32 (19), 4271-4283, 2022
YOLOF-Snake: An Efficient Segmentation Model for Green Fruits
W Jia, M Liu, R Luo, C Wang, N Pan, X Yang, X Ge
Frontiers in Plant Science, 1638, 2022
An agent-based modeling approach combined with deep learning method in simulating household energy consumption
S Tian, Y Lu, X Ge, Y Zheng
Journal of Building Engineering 43, 103210, 2021
Improving Alzheimer diagnoses with an interpretable deep learning framework: Including neuropsychiatric symptoms
S Liu, Y Zheng, H Li, M Pan, Z Fang, M Liu, Y Qiao, N Pan, W Jia, X Ge
Neuroscience 531, 86-98, 2023
Association of Tau pathology with clinical symptoms in the subfields of hippocampal formation
X Ge, D Zhang, Y Qiao, J Zhang, J Xu, Y Zheng
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13, 672077, 2021
An accurate green fruits detection method based on optimized YOLOX-m
W Jia, Y Xu, Y Lu, X Yin, N Pan, R Jiang, X Ge
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1187734, 2023
Attention-based Graph ResNet with focal loss for epileptic seizure detection
C Dong, Y Zhao, G Zhang, M Xue, D Chu, J He, X Ge
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 14 (1), 61-73, 2022
Enhanced association of tau pathology and cognitive impairment in mild cognitive impairment subjects with behavior symptoms
X Ge, Y Qiao, J Choi, R Raman, JM Ringman, Y Shi, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 87 (2), 557-568, 2022
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