Pramesh Devanna
Pramesh Devanna
Ďalšie menáPramesh D, D Pramesh, Devanna Pramesh
Rice Pathology Laboratory, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
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Citované v
Blast resistance in Indian rice landraces: Genetic dissection by gene specific markers
MK Yadav, S Aravindan, U Ngangkham, S Raghu, SR Prabhukarthikeyan, ...
Plos one 14 (1), e0211061, 2019
Host range and genetic diversity of croton yellow vein mosaic virus, a weed-infecting monopartite begomovirus causing leaf curl disease in tomato
D Pramesh, B Mandal, C Phaneendra, V Muniyappa
Archives of Virology 158, 531-542, 2013
Bio-efficacy of a Combination Fungicide against Blast and Sheath Blight Diseases of Paddy
D Pramesh, KM Muniraju, GS Guruprasad, K Mahantashivayogayya, ...
Journal of Experimental Agriculture International, 1-8, 2016
Production of virus-free garlic (Allium sativum L.) through meristem tip culture after solar or hot air treatment of cloves
D Pramesh, VK Baranwal
The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 90 (2), 180-186, 2015
LAMP-based foldable microdevice platform for the rapid detection of Magnaporthe oryzae and Sarocladium oryzae in rice seed
MK Prasannakumar, PB Parivallal, D Pramesh, HB Mahesh, E Raj
Scientific reports 11 (1), 178, 2021
Bio-priming of rice seeds with novel bacterial strains, for management of seedborne Magnaporthe oryzae L.
N Amruta, MK Prasanna Kumar, HK Kandikattu, G Sarika, ME Puneeth, ...
Plant Physiology Reports 24, 507-520, 2019
Molecular characterization of coat protein gene of Garlic common latent virus isolates from India: an evidence for distinct phylogeny and recombination
D Pramesh, VK Baranwal
Virus Genes 47, 189-193, 2013
Status and Future Challenges
DC Annegowda, MK Prasannakumar, HB Mahesh, CB Siddabasapра, ...
Integrative advances in rice research, 157, 2022
Disease severity and yield losses caused by false smut disease of rice in different rice ecosystems of Karnataka
International Journal of Microbiology Research, ISSN, 0975-5276, 2017
Novel Fungicides for the Management of False Smut Disease of Rice Caused by Ustilaginoidea virens
K.M. Muniraju, D. Pramesh, S.B. Mallesh, K. Mallikarjun, G.S. Guruprasad
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6 (11 …, 2017
Red-seaweed biostimulants differentially alleviate the impact of fungicidal stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
SN Banakar, MK PrasannaKumar, HB Mahesh, PB Parivallal, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 5993, 2022
Evaluation of a new strobilurin group of fungicide for the management of blast disease of paddy.
D Pramesh, K Nataraj, GS Guruprasad
American J Experimental Agri 13 (5), 1-6, 2016
Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of Magnaporthe oryzae causing rice blast disease using SSR markers
MK Yadav, S Aravindan, S Raghu, SR Prabhukarthikeyan, U Keerthana, ...
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 106, 157-165, 2019
Host Range Studies of Rice Sheath Blight Fungus Rhizoctonia solani (Kuhn)
Nagaraj, Gururaj Sunkad, Pramesh
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6 (11 …, 2017
A combination fungicide for the management of sheath blight, sheath rot and stem rot diseases of paddy
D Pramesh, S Alase, KM Muniraju, MK Kumara
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6 (9 …, 2017
Candidate screening of blast resistance donors for rice breeding
MK Yadav, S Aravindan, U Ngangkham, SR Prabhukarthikeyan, ...
Journal of genetics 98, 1-13, 2019
Morpho‐molecular and mating‐type locus diversity of Ustilaginoidea virens: an incitant of false smut of rice from Southern parts of India
H Sharanabasav, D Pramesh, MK Prasannakumar, E Chidanandappa, ...
Journal of Applied Microbiology 131 (5), 2372-2386, 2021
Simultaneous determination, dissipation and decontamination of fungicides applied on cabbage using LC-MS/MS
MS Pallavi, RH Naik, U Nidoni, M Bheemanna, D Pramesh
Food Chemistry 355, 129523, 2021
Chemicals for the management of paddy blast disease
C Amoghavarsha, D Pramesh, E Chidanandappa, H Sharanabasav, ...
Blast disease of cereal crops: Evolution and adaptation in context of …, 2021
Comparative genomics of rice false smut fungi Ustilaginoidea virens Uv-Gvt strain from India reveals genetic diversity and phylogenetic divergence
D Pramesh, MK Prasannakumar, KM Muniraju, HB Mahesh, HD Pushpa, ...
3 Biotech 10, 1-14, 2020
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