Sachin V Jangam
Sachin V Jangam
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An overview of recent developments and some R&D challenges related to drying of foods
SV Jangam
Drying Technology 29 (12), 1343-1357, 2011
Drying of low-rank coal (LRC)—a review of recent patents and innovations
H Osman, SV Jangam, JD Lease, AS Mujumdar
Drying Technology 29 (15), 1763-1783, 2011
Advances in biofuel production from oil palm and palm oil processing wastes: a review
JC Kurnia, SV Jangam, S Akhtar, AP Sasmito, AS Mujumdar
Biofuel Research Journal 3 (1), 332-346, 2016
Improved design for heat transfer performance of a novel phase change material (PCM) thermal energy storage (TES)
JC Kurnia, AP Sasmito, SV Jangam, AS Mujumdar
Applied Thermal Engineering 50 (1), 896-907, 2013
Drying of foods, vegetables and fruits
SV Jangam, ASMCL Law
A critical assessment of industrial coal drying technologies: Role of energy, emissions, risk and sustainability
SV Jangam, M Karthikeyan, AS Mujumdar
Drying Technology 29 (4), 395-407, 2011
Studies on dehydration of sapota (Achras zapota)
SV Jangam, VS Joshi, AS Mujumdar, BN Thorat
Drying Technology 26 (3), 369-377, 2008
Solar drying: Fundamentals, applications and innovations
CL Hii, SV Jangam, SP Ong, AS Mujumdar
TPR Group Publication, Singapore 2012, 2012
Optimization of spray drying of ginger extract
SV Jangam, BN Thorat
Drying Technology 28 (12), 1426-1434, 2010
Basic concepts and definitions
SV Jangam, AS Mujumdar
Drying of foods, vegetables and fruits 1, 1-30, 2010
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of micro-reactor performance: Effect of various configurations
H An, A Li, AP Sasmito, JC Kurnia, SV Jangam, AS Mujumdar
Chemical engineering science 75, 85-95, 2012
Numerical analysis of laminar heat transfer performance of in-plane spiral ducts with various cross-sections at fixed cross-section area
AP Sasmito, JC Kurnia, W Wang, SV Jangam, AS Mujumdar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (21-22), 5882-5890, 2012
Abatement of organic pollutant concentrations in residual treatment sludges: A review of selected treatment technologies including drying
T Tunçal, SV Jangam, E Güneş
Drying Technology 29 (14), 1601-1610, 2011
Design of an efficient gas distribution system for a fluidized bed dryer
SV Jangam, AS Mujumdar, BN Thorat
Drying Technology 27 (11), 1217-1228, 2009
Some innovative drying technologies for dehydration of foods
AS Mujumdar, SV Jangam
Proceedings of ICEF, Athens, Greece, 555-556, 2011
Heat pump assisted drying technology–overview with focus on energy, environment and product quality
SV Jangam, AS Mujumdar
Modern Drying Technology: Volume 4: Energy Savings 4, 121-162, 2011
Some recent advances in drying technologies to produce particulate solids
DJ Lee, S Jangam, AS Mujumdar
KONA Powder and Particle Journal 30, 69-83, 2013
Solar Drying: Fundamentals
CL Hii, SV Jangam, SP Ong, AS Mujumdar
Applications and Innovations, 150, 2012
Heat transfer in coiled square tubes for laminar flow of slurry of microencapsulated phase change material
JC Kurnia, AP Sasmito, SV Jangam, AS Mujumdar
Heat Transfer Engineering 34 (11-12), 994-1007, 2013
Numerical investigation of laminar mass transport enhancement in heterogeneous gaseous microreactors
M Shaker, H Ghaedamini, AP Sasmito, JC Kurnia, SV Jangam, ...
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 54, 1-11, 2012
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