Effect of downy mildew disease on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in Plantago ovata Forsk. K Mandal, R Saravanan, S Maiti, IL Kothari Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 116 (4), 164, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Effect of different levels of N, P and K on downy mildew (Peronospora plantaginis) and seed yield of isabgol (Plantago ovata) K Mandal, R Saravanan, S Maiti Crop protection 27 (6), 988-995, 2008 | 63 | 2008 |
Bacterial soft rot of aloe caused by Pectobacterium chrysanthemi: a new report from India. K Mandal, S Maiti Plant pathology 54 (4), 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
Cultivation of isabgol S Maiti, K Mandal Extension bulletin. National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic …, 2000 | 28 | 2000 |
A novel pathovar of Xanthomonas axonopodis causes gumming of Guggal (Commiphora wightii) JN Samanta, K Mandal, S Maiti European journal of plant pathology 135 (1), 115-125, 2013 | 16 | 2013 |
Fungicidal management of downy mildew of isabgol (Plantago ovata) simulating farmers field conditions K Mandal, NA Gajbhiye, S Maiti Australasian Plant Pathology 36 (2), 186-190, 2007 | 15 | 2007 |
First report of a 16Sr I-B phytoplasma associated with phyllody and stem fasciation of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) in India PG Biswas, C., Dey, P., Mandal, K., Mitra, J., Satpathy, S. and Karmakar Plant disease 98, 1267, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
First report of downy mildew onLepidium sativum in India K Mandal, PR Patel, S Maiti Australasian Plant Disease Notes 3 (1), 73-74, 2008 | 10 | 2008 |
Floral infection of downy mildew of isabgol K Mandal, KA Geetha Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 31, 355-357, 2001 | 10 | 2001 |
Production technology of some important medicinal and aromatic crops developed under the all India coordinated research project. S Maiti, R Chandra, KA Geetha, K Mandal Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants 2 (3), 88-98, 2000 | 10* | 2000 |
Scientific analysis of indigenous techniques for guggal (Commiphora wightii) tapping in India JN Samanta, K Mandal Journal of forestry research 25 (3), 695-700, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
Morphological, anatomical and molecular investigation into witches’ broom disease of mamejvo (Enicostemma axillare) K Abirami, A Sharma, JN Samanta, VS Rana, K Mandal Phytoparasitica 40 (5), 445-450, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Growth, photosynthetic competence and oleo-gum resin production of guggal (Commiphora wightii) across soil moisture and nitrogen gradient JN Samanta, R Saravanan, NA Gajbhiye, K Mandal Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 538-545, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
In planta detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. commiphorae using fyuA and rpoD genes. JN Samanta, K Mandal Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 51, 470-476, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Induction of male and female sterility in isabgol (Plantago ovata) due to floral infection of downy mildew (Pernospora plantaginis) K Mandal, PR Patel, S Maiti, IL Kothari Biologia 65, 17-22, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
In planta detection of Macrophomina phaseolina from jute (Corchorus olitorius) by a sodium acetate-based direct PCR method. C Biswas, P Dey, K Mandal, S Satpathy, PG Karmakar Phytoparasitica 42 (5), 673–676, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Phenotypic, pathogenic, molecular and phylogenetic comparisons of bacteria causing Aloe rot from three countries Y Kumar, JN Samanta, K Mandal, NA Gajbhiye Indian Phytopathology 64 (4), 329-334, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Influence of tapping position, intensity of tapping and season on gummosis of guggal (Commiphora wightii), oleo-gum-resin yield and quality JN SAMANTA, K MANDAL, R SARAVANAN, NA GAJBHIYE, V RAVI Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 86 (1), 143-146, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Myths and facts of guggal gum tapping K Mandal, JN Samanta, S Maiti, RD Kamboj Indian Forester 137 (11), 1346-1347, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Assessment of intrapathovar variability of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. commiphorae through phenotypic and molecular markers JN Samanta, K Mandal Forest Pathology 44 (2), 85-95, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |