Sourav Laha
Sourav Laha
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur
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Citované v
Ruthenium oxide nanosheets for enhanced oxygen evolution catalysis in acidic medium
S Laha, Y Lee, F Podjaski, D Weber, V Duppel, LM Schoop, F Pielnhofer, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (15), 1803795, 2019
Bottom-up Formation of Carbon-Based Structures with Multilevel Hierarchy from MOF–Guest Polyhedra
SKS Tiesheng Wang, Hyun-Kyung Kim, Yingjun Liu, Weiwei Li, James T ...
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140 (19), 6130–6136, 2018
Green colored nano-pigments derived from Y2BaCuO5: NIR reflective coatings
S Jose, A Prakash, S Laha, S Natarajan, ML Reddy
Dyes and Pigments 107, 118-126, 2014
IrOOH nanosheets as acid stable electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
D Weber, LM Schoop, D Wurmbrand, S Laha, F Podjaski, V Duppel, ...
Journal of materials chemistry A 6 (43), 21558-21566, 2018
Proximate ferromagnetic state in the Kitaev model material α-RuCl3
H Suzuki, H Liu, J Bertinshaw, K Ueda, H Kim, S Laha, D Weber, Z Yang, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 4512, 2021
YIn0. 9Mn0. 1O3–ZnO nano-pigment exhibiting intense blue color with impressive solar reflectance
S Jose, A Jayaprakash, S Laha, S Natarajan, KG Nishanth, MLP Reddy
Dyes and Pigments 124, 120-129, 2016
Stabilization of a Tetrahedral (Mn5+O4) Chromophore in Ternary Barium Oxides as a Strategy toward Development of New Turquoise/Green-Colored Pigments
S Laha, S Tamilarasan, S Natarajan, J Gopalakrishnan
Inorganic chemistry 55 (7), 3508-3514, 2016
Origin of oscillatory structures in the magnetothermal conductivity of the putative Kitaev magnet α-RuCl3
JAN Bruin, RR Claus, Y Matsumoto, J Nuss, S Laha, BV Lotsch, N Kurita, ...
APL Materials 10 (9), 2022
Toward standardized photocatalytic oxygen evolution rates using RuO2@ TiO2 as a benchmark
HA Vignolo-Gonzalez, S Laha, A Jimenez-Solano, T Oshima, V Duppel, ...
Matter 3 (2), 464-486, 2020
Morphology Matters: 0D/2D WO3 Nanoparticle‐Ruthenium Oxide Nanosheet Composites for Enhanced Photocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction Rates
HA Vignolo‐González, A Gouder, S Laha, V Duppel, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 13 (6), 2203315, 2023
Ba3 (P1− x Mn x O4) 2: Blue/green inorganic materials based on tetrahedral Mn (V)
S Laha, R Sharma, SV Bhat, MLP Reddy, J Gopalakrishnan, S Natarajan
Bulletin of Materials Science 34 (6), 1257-1262, 2011
Li 2 MnO 3: a rare red-coloured manganese (iv) oxide exhibiting tunable red–yellow–green emission
S Tamilarasan, S Laha, S Natarajan, J Gopalakrishnan
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (18), 4794-4800, 2015
Li 3 MRuO 5 (M= Co, Ni), new lithium-rich layered oxides related to LiCoO 2: promising electrochemical performance for possible application as cathode materials in lithium ion …
S Laha, E Moran, R Saez-Puche, MA Alario-Franco, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (36), 10686-10692, 2013
Oxygen-participated electrochemistry of new lithium-rich layered oxides Li 3 MRuO 5 (M= Mn, Fe)
S Laha, S Natarajan, J Gopalakrishnan, E Moran, R Saez-Puche, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (5), 3749-3760, 2015
Color Tuning in Garnet Oxides: The Role of Tetrahedral Coordination Geometry for 3 d Metal Ions and Ligand–Metal Charge Transfer (Band‐Gap Manipulation)
A Bhim, S Laha, J Gopalakrishnan, S Natarajan
Chemistry–An Asian Journal 12 (20), 2734-2743, 2017
Exploring the Colour of 3d Transition‐Metal Ions in Trigonal Bipyramidal Coordination: Identification of Purple‐Blue (CoO5) and Beige‐Red (NiO5) Chromophores in LiMgBO …
S Tamilarasan, S Laha, S Natarajan, J Gopalakrishnan
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2016 (2), 288-293, 2016
New rock salt-related oxides Li3M2RuO6 (M= Co, Ni): Synthesis, structure, magnetism and electrochemistry
S Laha, E Morán, R Sáez-Puche, MÁ Alario-Franco, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 203, 160-165, 2013
The Weyl Semimetals MIrTe4 (M = Nb, Ta) as Efficient Catalysts for Dye‐Sensitized Hydrogen Evolution
M Samanta, H Tan, S Laha, HA Vignolo‐González, L Grunenberg, S Bette, ...
Advanced energy materials 13 (24), 2300503, 2023
High-performance and scalable aqueous Na-ion batteries comprising a Co-Prussian Blue analogue framework positive electrode and sodium vanadate nanorod negative electrode for …
P Naskar, S Debnath, B Biswas, S Laha, A Banerjee
ACS Applied Energy Materials 6 (9), 4604-4617, 2023
Sonication-assisted liquid exfoliation and size-dependent properties of magnetic two-dimensional α-RuCl3
K Synnatschke, M Jonak, A Storm, S Laha, J Köster, J Petry, S Ott, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56 (27), 274001, 2023
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