Aysecan Terzioglu
Aysecan Terzioglu
Cultural Studies, Sabancı University
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Citované v
Citované v
Turkey's Experience with Neoliberal Policies Since1980 in Retrospect and Prospect
F Senses
The Making of Neoliberal Turkey, 15-32, 2016
The making of neoliberal Turkey
C Ozbay, M Erol, ZU Turem, A Terzioglu
Routledge, 2016
Neoliberalizm ve mahremiyet: Türkiye'de beden, sağlık ve cinsellik
C Özbay, A Terzioğlu, Y Yasin
Metis, 2011
A Turkish Hate Speech Dataset and Detection System
F Beyhan, C Buse, İ Arin, A Terzioglu, B Yanikoglu, R Yeniterzi
Language Resources and Evaluation, 4177-1185, 2022
The banality of evil and the normalization of the discriminatory discourses against Syrians in Turkey.
A Terzioğlu
Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East & Central Eurasia 4 (2), 2016
Bir Güvenlikli Site Hikayesi: Gündelik Hayatın Dönüşümüne Otoetnografik Yaklaşım
LB Ata
Türkiye'de Cinsiyet Kültürleri: Dicle Koğacıoğlu Kitabı, 31-64, 2019
Canavarlaştırılan Kent Sokakları: Kadının Kent Deneyimi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme
D Acuner
Türkiye'de Cinsiyet Kültürleri: Dicle Koğacıoğlu Kitabı, 109-126, 2019
Turkish medical doctors: Historical experience and self-narratives
A Terzioğlu
Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ayşe Öncü (Dan.). İstanbul: Boğaziçi …, 1998
Bir Aile Mekanında Cinsiyet, Cinsellik ve Güvenlik
HA Zeybek
Neoliberalizm ve Mahremiyet: Türkiye'de Beden, Sağlık ve Cinsellik, 227-243, 2011
Neoliberal Erkekliğin Sosyolojisine Doğru: Rent Boy'lar Örneği
C Özbay
Neoliberalizm ve Mahremiyet: Türkiye'de Beden, Sağlık ve Cinsellik, 179-208, 2011
Küreselleşme, Kanser ve Hastalık Anlatıları: Bilinçli/Bilinçsiz Hastadan Küresel Vatandaşlığa Geçiş
A Terzioğlu
Neoliberalizm ve Mahremiyet: Türkiye'de Beden, Sağlık ve Cinsellik, 111-132, 2011
Arzunun Nesnesi Olmak: Romans, Kırılgan Erkeklik ve Neoliberal Özne
G Özyeğin
Neoliberalizm ve Mahremiyet: Türkiye'de Beden, Sağlık ve Cinsellik, 151-178, 2011
The making of neoliberal Turkey: An introduction
M Erol, C Ozbay, ZU Turem, A Terzioglu
The making of neoliberal Turkey, 11-24, 2016
Syrians’ experiences of waiting and temporality in Turkey: Gendered reconceptualisations of time, space and refugee identity
A Terzioglu
Time & Society 32 (1), 75-100, 2023
Governing without Control: Turkey's "Struggle" with International Migration
D Sert, U Yildiz
The Making of Neoliberal Turkey, 53-72, 2016
Experiencing and explaining cancer: A critical study of Turkish modernity through the cancer patients' illness narratives
A Terzioglu
City University of New York, 2008
Coping with cancer diagnosis and treatment: a comparative study on women with breast cancer in Turkey and occupied Palestinian territory
A Terzioglu, W Hammoudeh
Reproductive Health Matters 25 (sup1), 35-46, 2017
A critical analysis of low molecular weight heparin use during pregnancy in a tertiary referral centre
MS Kutuk, A Terzioglu, MT Ozgun, S Uludag, M Dolanbay, M Tas
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 34 (2), 131-134, 2014
Urban anxieties and Kurdish migrants: urbanity, belonging, and resistance in İstanbul
C Ozbay, M Erol, ZU Turem, A Terzioglu
The making of neoliberal Turkey, 121-140, 2016
The violence law and the governmentalization of football in Turkey
Y Nuhrat
The Making of Neoliberal Turkey, 73-86, 2016
Systém momentálne nemôže vykonať operáciu. Skúste to neskôr.
Články 1–20