Kirsty L Bayliss
Kirsty L Bayliss
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The role of global trade and transport network topology in the human‐mediated dispersal of alien species
NC Banks, DR Paini, KL Bayliss, M Hodda
Ecology letters 18 (2), 188-199, 2015
Canola oil increases in polyunsaturated fatty acids and decreases in oleic acid in drought‐stressed Mediterranean‐type environments
MN Aslam, MN Nelson, SG Kailis, KL Bayliss, J Speijers, WA Cowling
Plant Breeding 128 (4), 348-355, 2009
Toward doubled haploid production in the Fabaceae: progress, constraints, and opportunities
JS Croser, MM Lülsdorf, PA Davies, HJ Clarke, KL Bayliss, N Mallikarjuna, ...
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 25 (2), 139-157, 2006
Spore traps need improvement to fulfil plant biosecurity requirements
SL Jackson, KL Bayliss
Plant Pathology 60 (5), 801-810, 2011
Cold plasma: a potential new method to manage postharvest diseases caused by fungal plant pathogens
SS Siddique, GESJ Hardy, KL Bayliss
Plant Pathology 67 (5), 1011-1021, 2018
Fungi and oomycetes in open irrigation systems: knowledge gaps and biosecurity implications
RE Zappia, D Hüberli, GESJ Hardy, KL Bayliss
Plant Pathology 63 (5), 961-972, 2014
Pro-embryos of Lupinus spp. produced from isolated microspore culture
KL Bayliss, JM Wroth, WA Cowling
Australian journal of agricultural research 55 (5), 589-593, 2004
Cold plasma: Exploring a new option for management of postharvest fungal pathogens, mycotoxins and insect pests in Australian stored cereal grain
M Kaur, D Hüberli, KL Bayliss
Crop and Pasture Science 71 (8), 715-724, 2020
First record of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense’ inPaulownia trees
KL Bayliss, M Saqib, B Dell, MGK Jones, GESJ Hardy
Australasian Plant Pathology 34, 123-124, 2005
Enzymatic browning: The role of substrates in polyphenol oxidase mediated browning
A Tilley, MP McHenry, JA McHenry, V Solah, K Bayliss
Current research in food science 7, 100623, 2023
Fungal contaminants of stored wheat vary between Australian states
EH Barkat, GESJ Hardy, Y Ren, M Calver, KL Bayliss
Australasian Plant Pathology 45, 621-628, 2016
First record of a phytoplasma-associated disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Australia
M Saqib, KL Bayliss, B Dell, GESJ Hardf, MGK Jones
Australasian Plant Pathology 34, 425-426, 2005
A rapid and miniaturized system using Alamar blue to assess fungal spore viability: implications for biosecurity
P Barua, MP You, K Bayliss, V Lanoiselet, MJ Barbetti
European journal of plant pathology 148, 139-150, 2017
Temperature, humidity, wounding and leaf age influence the development of Alternaria alternata lesions on leaves of Paulownia fortunei
CE Pleysier, KL Bayliss, B Dell, GESJ Hardy
Australasian Plant Pathology 35, 329-333, 2006
Differences in symptom development in subterranean clover infected with Kabatiella caulivora Race 1 and Race 2 are related to host resistance
KL Bayliss, J Kuo, K Sivasithamparam, MJ Barbetti, ES Lagudah
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 53 (3), 305-310, 2002
Infection of Subterranean Clover (Trifolium subterraneum) by Kabatiella caulivora
KL Bayliss, J Kuo, K Sivasithamparam, MJ Barbetti, ES Lagudah
Journal of Phytopathology 149 (11‐12), 699-705, 2001
Plasma‐activated water inhibits in vitro conidial germination of Colletotrichum alienum, a postharvest pathogen of avocado
SS Siddique, GESJ Hardy, KL Bayliss
Plant Pathology 70 (2), 367-376, 2021
Quarantine and biosecurity
SJ McKirdy, SB Sharma, KL Bayliss
Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, 11-20, 2014
Cold plasma as a novel treatment to reduce the in vitro growth and germination of Colletotrichum species
SS Siddique, GE St. J. Hardy, KL Bayliss
Plant Pathology 68 (7), 1361-1368, 2019
Extended survival of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici urediniospores: implications for biosecurity and on‐farm management
P Barua, MP You, KL Bayliss, V Lanoiselet, MJ Barbetti
Plant Pathology 67 (4), 799-809, 2018
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