Claire W Armstrong
Claire W Armstrong
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Ocean systems
HO Pörtner, DM Karl, PW Boyd, W Cheung, SE Lluch-Cota, Y Nojiri, ...
Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global …, 2014
Defining “serious harm” to the marine environment in the context of deep-seabed mining
LA Levin, K Mengerink, KM Gjerde, AA Rowden, CL Van Dover, MR Clark, ...
Marine Policy 74, 245-259, 2016
Services from the deep: Steps towards valuation of deep sea goods and services
CW Armstrong, NS Foley, R Tinch, S van den Hove
Ecosystem Services 2, 2-13, 2012
Marine and coastal cultural ecosystem services: knowledge gaps and research priorities
JG Rodrigues, AJ Conides, S Rivero Rodriguez, S Raicevich, P Pita, ...
One Ecosystem 2 (2017), e12290, 2017
Ecological‐economic modeling for biodiversity management: potential, pitfalls, and prospects
F Wätzold, M Drechsler, CW Armstrong, S Baumgärtner, V Grimm, A Huth, ...
Conservation Biology 20 (4), 1034-1041, 2006
Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: preserving cold-water coral in Norway
M Aanesen, C Armstrong, M Czajkowski, J Falk-Petersen, N Hanley, ...
Ecological Economics 112, 53-67, 2015
A note on the ecological–economic modelling of marine reserves in fisheries
CW Armstrong
Ecological Economics 62 (2), 242-250, 2007
Valuing the ecosystem service benefits from kelp forest restoration: A choice experiment from Norway
S Hynes, W Chen, K Vondolia, C Armstrong, E O'Connor
Ecological Economics 179, 106833, 2021
Habitat–fisheries interactions: a missing link?
CW Armstrong, J Falk-Petersen
ICES Journal of Marine Science/Journal du Conseil 65 (6), 2008
Optimal allocation of TAC and the implications of implementing an ITQ management system for the North-East Arctic cod
CW Armstrong, UR Sumaila
Land Economics 77 (3), 350-359, 2001
The ecological and economic value of cold-water coral ecosystems
NS Foley, TM Van Rensburg, CW Armstrong
Ocean & Coastal Management 53 (7), 313-326, 2010
A review of bioeconomic modelling of habitat‐fisheries interactions
NS Foley, CW Armstrong, V Kahui, E Mikkelsen, S Reithe
International Journal of Ecology 2012 (1), 861635, 2012
Cold water coral reef management from an ecosystem service perspective
CW Armstrong, NS Foley, V Kahui, A Grehan
Marine Policy 50, 126-134, 2014
What does stakeholder involvement mean for fisheries management?
M Aanesen, CW Armstrong, HJ Bloomfield, C Röckmann
Ecology and Society 19 (4), 2014
The optimal management of a transboundary fish resource: the Arcto-Norwegian cod stock
C Armstrong, O Flaaten
Essays on the economics of migratory fish stocks, 137-151, 1991
The formation of policy for protection of cold-water coral off the coast of Norway
CW Armstrong, S van den Hove
Marine Policy 32 (1), 66-73, 2008
Marine reserves: A bio-economic model with asymmetric density dependent migration
CW Armstrong, A Skonhoft
Ecological economics 57 (3), 466-476, 2006
Estimating linkages between redfish and cold water coral on the Norwegian coast
NS Foley, V Kahui, CW Armstrong, TM Van Rensburg
Marine Resource Economics 25 (1), 105-120, 2010
Sharing a fish resource–bioeconomic analysis of an applied allocation rule
CW Armstrong
Environmental and Resource Economics 13, 75-94, 1999
Cannibalism and the optimal sharing of the North-East Atlantic cod stock: a bioeconomic model
CW Armstrong, UR Sumaila
Journal of Bioeconomics 2, 99-115, 2000
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