Transition metal-hydrogen and metal-carbon bond strengths: the keys to catalysis JAM Simoes, JL Beauchamp Chemical Reviews 90 (4), 629-688, 1990 | 939 | 1990 |
Ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy JL Beauchamp Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 22 (1), 527-561, 1971 | 629 | 1971 |
Particle phase acidity and oligomer formation in secondary organic aerosol S Gao, NL Ng, M Keywood, V Varutbangkul, R Bahreini, A Nenes, J He, ... Environmental Science & Technology 38 (24), 6582-6589, 2004 | 418 | 2004 |
Deuterium exchange reactions as a probe of biomolecule structure. Fundamental studies of gas phase H/D exchange reactions of protonated glycine oligomers with D2O, CD3OD … S Campbell, MT Rodgers, EM Marzluff, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (51), 12840-12854, 1995 | 418 | 1995 |
The chemistry of atomic transition-metal ions: insight into fundamental aspects of organometallic chemistry PB Armentrout, JL Beauchamp Accounts of Chemical Research 22 (9), 315-321, 1989 | 399 | 1989 |
Droplet evaporation and discharge dynamics in electrospray ionization JN Smith, RC Flagan, JL Beauchamp The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106 (42), 9957-9967, 2002 | 338 | 2002 |
Gas phase basicities and relative proton affinities of compounds between water and ammonia from pulsed ion cyclotron resonance thermal equilibriums measurements JF Wolf, RH Staley, I Koppel, M Taagepera, RT McIver Jr, JL Beauchamp, ... Journal of the American Chemical Society 99 (16), 5417-5429, 1977 | 326 | 1977 |
Electronic structure considerations for methane activation by third-row transition-metal ions KK Irikura, JL Beauchamp The Journal of Physical Chemistry 95 (21), 8344-8351, 1991 | 319 | 1991 |
Intrinsic acid-base properties of molecules. Binding energies of lithium (1+) ion to. pi.-and n-donor bases RH Staley, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 97 (20), 5920-5921, 1975 | 313 | 1975 |
Photoelectron spectroscopy of methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, and tert-butyl radicals. Implications for the thermochemistry and structures of the radicals and their corresponding … FA Houle, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 101 (15), 4067-4074, 1979 | 298 | 1979 |
Osmium tetroxide and its fragment ions in the gas phase: reactivity with hydrocarbons and small molecules KK Irikura, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 111 (1), 75-85, 1989 | 294 | 1989 |
Multiphoton dissociation of molecules with low power continuous wave infrared laser radiation RL Woodin, DS Bomse, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 100 (10), 3248-3250, 1978 | 289 | 1978 |
Binding of lithium (1+) ion to Lewis bases in the gas phase. Reversals in methyl substituent effects for different reference acids RL Woodin, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 100 (2), 501-508, 1978 | 285 | 1978 |
Periodic trends in transition metal-hydrogen, metal-carbon, and metal-oxygen bond dissociation energies. Correlation with reactivity and electronic structure PB Armentrout, LF Halle, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 103 (21), 6501-6502, 1981 | 260 | 1981 |
Ion beam studies of the reactions of atomic cobalt ions with alkanes: determination of metal-hydrogen and metal-carbon bond energies and an examination of the mechanism by … PB Armentrout, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 103 (4), 784-791, 1981 | 258 | 1981 |
Singlet-triplet gaps in substituted carbenes CXY (X, Y= H, fluoro, chloro, bromo, iodo, silyl) KK Irikura, WA Goddard III, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 114 (1), 48-51, 1992 | 254 | 1992 |
Dynamics of field-induced droplet ionization: time-resolved studies of distortion, jetting, and progeny formation from charged and neutral methanol droplets exposed to strong … RL Grimm, JL Beauchamp The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (16), 8244-8250, 2005 | 235 | 2005 |
Methane oligomerization in the gas phase by third-row transition-metal ions KK Irikura, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 113 (7), 2769-2770, 1991 | 234 | 1991 |
Freeze-dried biomolecules: FT-ICR studies of the specific solvation of functional groups and clathrate formation observed by the slow evaporation of water from hydrated … SW Lee, P Freivogel, T Schindler, JL Beauchamp Journal of the American Chemical Society 120 (45), 11758-11765, 1998 | 216 | 1998 |
A versatile trapped ion cell for ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy TB McMahon, JL Beauchamp Review of Scientific Instruments 43 (3), 509-512, 1972 | 206 | 1972 |