Clive Randall,
Clive Randall,
Material Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
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Citované v
Intrinsic and extrinsic size effects in fine‐grained morphotropic‐phase‐boundary lead zirconate titanate ceramics
CA Randall, N Kim, JP Kucera, W Cao, TR Shrout
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 81 (3), 677-688, 1998
New high temperature morphotropic phase boundary piezoelectrics based on Bi (Me) O3–PbTiO3 ceramics
RE Eitel, CA Randall, TR Shrout, PW Rehrig, W Hackenberger, SE Park
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 40 (10R), 5999, 2001
Preparation and characterization of high temperature perovskite ferroelectrics in the solid-solution (1-x) BiScO3–xPbTiO3
RE Eitel, CA Randall, TR Shrout, SE Park
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 41 (4R), 2099, 2002
Grain size and domain size relations in bulk ceramic ferroelectric materials
W Cao, CA Randall
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 57 (10), 1499-1505, 1996
Cold sintering: a paradigm shift for processing and integration of ceramics
J Guo, H Guo, AL Baker, MT Lanagan, ER Kupp, GL Messing, CA Randall
Angewandte Chemie 128 (38), 11629-11633, 2016
A brief introduction to ceramic capacitors
MJ Pan, CA Randall
IEEE electrical insulation magazine 26 (3), 44-50, 2010
High‐Energy Density Capacitors Utilizing 0.7 BaTiO3–0.3 BiScO3 Ceramics
H Ogihara, CA Randall, S Trolier‐McKinstry
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (8), 1719-1724, 2009
Crystal and defect chemistry of rare earth cations in BaTiO3
Y Tsur, TD Dunbar, CA Randall
Journal of electroceramics 7, 25-34, 2001
Giant Electrocaloric Response Over A Broad Temperature Range in Modified BaTiO3 Ceramics
XS Qian, HJ Ye, YT Zhang, H Gu, X Li, CA Randall, QM Zhang
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (9), 1300-1305, 2014
Classification and consequences of complex lead perovskite ferroelectrics with regard to B-site cation order
CA Randall, AS Bhalla, TR Shrout, LE Cross
Journal of Materials Research 5 (4), 829-834, 1990
Nanostructural-property relations in complex lead perovskites
CA Randall, AS Bhalla
Japanese journal of applied physics 29 (2R), 327, 1990
Weakly Coupled Relaxor Behavior of BaTiO3–BiScO3 Ceramics
H Ogihara, CA Randall, S Trolier‐McKinstry
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (1), 110-118, 2009
Cold sintering process: a novel technique for low‐temperature ceramic processing of ferroelectrics
H Guo, A Baker, J Guo, CA Randall
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (11), 3489-3507, 2016
Investigation of the dielectric properties of bismuth pyrochlores
DP Cann, CA Randall, TR Shrout
Solid state communications 100 (7), 529-534, 1996
Lead-free antiferroelectric: x CaZrO 3-(1− x) NaNbO 3 system (0≤ x≤ 0.10)
H Shimizu, H Guo, SE Reyes-Lillo, Y Mizuno, KM Rabe, CA Randall
Dalton Transactions 44 (23), 10763-10772, 2015
Bismuth zinc niobate pyrochlore dielectric thin films for capacitive applications
W Ren, S Trolier-McKinstry, CA Randall, TR Shrout
Journal of applied physics 89 (1), 767-774, 2001
On short range ordering in the perovskite lead magnesium niobate
AD Hilton, DJ Barber, CA Randall, TR Shrout
Journal of materials science 25, 3461-3466, 1990
Cold sintering process of composites: bridging the processing temperature gap of ceramic and polymer materials
J Guo, SS Berbano, H Guo, AL Baker, MT Lanagan, CA Randall
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (39), 7115-7121, 2016
Crystal and domain structure of the solid solution
DI Woodward, IM Reaney, RE Eitel, CA Randall
Journal of applied physics 94 (5), 3313-3318, 2003
Cold sintering: Current status and prospects
JP Maria, X Kang, RD Floyd, EC Dickey, H Guo, J Guo, A Baker, ...
Journal of Materials Research 32 (17), 3205-3218, 2017
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