Edwin Johny Asnate Salazar
Edwin Johny Asnate Salazar
Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo
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Factores relacionados con la dificultad en la publicación de artículos científicos en docentes universitarios
IJ Morales-Cerna, DM Paredes-Ayrac, EJ Asnate-Salazar
Tierra Nuestra 13 (2), 66-73, 2019
Intrusion detection system for IoT-based healthcare intrusions with lion-salp-swarm-optimization algorithm: metaheuristic-enabled hybrid intelligent approach
N Goswami, S Raj, D Thakral, JL Arias-Gonzáles, J Flores-Albornoz, ...
Eng Sci 25 (933), 83, 2023
Students intention towards digital entrepreneurship–Industry 5.0
C Nagadeepa, KPJ Mukthar, E Asnate-Salazar, J Castillo-Picon, ...
The International Conference On Global Economic Revolutions, 233-249, 2023
The Impact of Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibilities, and Working Capital Management Practices on the Performance of Tourism Small–Medium Enterprises (SMEs …
Y Li, I Ahmad, H Raza, A Sawangchai, E Ramirez-Asis, E Asnate-Salazar
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 869856, 2022
Preserving Security in Internet-of-Things Healthcare System with Metaheuristic-Driven Intrusion Detection
N Goswami, S Raj, D Thakral, JL Arias-Gonzáles, J Flores-Albornoz, ...
Engineered Science 25 (3), 933, 2023
Factores de riesgo Gineco-Obstétricos para Macrosomía Fetal en gestantes del servicio de Gineco-Obstetricia del Hospital Víctor Ramos Guardia, Huaraz, Perú
G Vasquez-Ortega, V Pulido-Capurro, E Asnate-Salazar
Revista Peruana de Investigación en Salud 7 (2), 83-91, 2023
La salud mental de los enfermeros en un hospital andino en tiempos de COVID-19
LN Zarazu, NSN Zarazu, VSA Veramendi, EJA Salazar, SER Narváez, ...
Revista Vive 4 (11), 242-252, 2021
The effect of emotional intelligence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment: the case of educational sector.
E Ramirez-Asis, A Huaman-Osorio, R Sáenz-Rodríguez, M Guerra-Muñoz, ...
Using artificial intelligence and deep learning methods to analysis the marketing analytics and its impact on human resource management systems
V Gambhir, E Asnate-Salazar, M Prithi, J Alvarado-Tolentino, ...
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering …, 2022
Unlocking solution for urban transportation woes: addressing the challenges of modern city living
J Flores-Albornoz, MM Nirmala, KPJ Mukthar, E Asnate-Salazar, ...
AI and Business, and Innovation Research: Understanding the Potential and …, 2023
Elaboración y caracterización de una bebida fermentada elaborada con el fruto de capulí (Prunus serotina) y miel de abeja
PF Romero, E Aguirre, EA Salazar
Dominio de las Ciencias 7 (1), 59-78, 2021
Aprendizaje cooperativo y competencias investigativas en estudiantes universitarios
IJ Morales-Cerna, DM Paredes-Ayrac, EJ Asnate-Salazar
Tierra Nuestra 15 (1), 36-42, 2021
Cursos masivos abiertos MOOC y su influencia en los tipos de aprendizaje
EJ Zevallos Vera, C Vilchez Inga, CR Palacios Huaraca, ...
Competitividad de la industria agroexportadora del arándano en el Perú, 2015-2019
JAR Rodríguez, DLM Rivas, EJA Salazar
Revista Alfa 8 (22), 256-272, 2024
Investigating the relationship of social network Facebook and marketing predictors
E Ramirez-Asis, JE Vilchez-Carcamo, HW Maldonado-Leyva, ...
Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and …, 2021
Retinopatía hipertensiva en pacientes con coartación aórtica
T Vicente Vera, G JULIA, MC Castañón Romo, PDEJ ROMERO, ...
Archivos del Instituto de Cardiologia de México 58 (6), 563-568, 1988
Modelo de ecuaciones estructurales de autoestima y resiliencia en estudiantes universitarios
CSL Marcelo, EJA Salazar, DLM Rivas, JDV Arteaga
Revista Tribunal 5 (10), 171-191, 2025
Competitiveness of the blueberry agro-export industry in Peru, 2015-2019
JAR Rodríguez, DLM Rivas, EJA Salazar
Alfa Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinaria 8 (22 …, 2024
Productivity and Labor Force Participation in the Ancash Region of Peru: Implications for Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 9
T Garcia-Ramos, N Cruz-Castillo, K Roca-Vasquez, U Cuno-Chunga, ...
International Multi-disciplinary Conference on “Fostering Sustainable …, 2023
Social Climate at Work and Its Effect on the Sustainable Wellbeing of Professors
N Ramírez-Asís, E Asnate-Salazar, J Tarazona-Jiménez, ...
International Multi-disciplinary Conference on “Fostering Sustainable …, 2023
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