Paulo Fonseca
Paulo Fonseca
Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and Atmosphere, IPMA
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Citované v
Weight–length relationships for 46 fish species of the Portuguese west coast
B Mendes, P Fonseca, A Campos
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 20 (5), 355-361, 2004
Using a modified Nordmøre grid for by-catch reduction in the Portuguese crustacean-trawl fishery
P Fonseca, A Campos, RB Larsen, TC Borges, K Erzini
Fisheries Research 71 (2), 223-239, 2005
Size selectivity of diamond and square mesh cod ends for rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) off the Portuguese south coast
A Campos, P Fonseca, K Erzini
Fisheries Research 58 (3), 281-301, 2002
Strategies for improving fuel efficiency in the Portuguese trawl fishery
J Parente, P Fonseca, V Henriques, A Campos
Fisheries Research 93 (1-2), 117-124, 2008
Size selectivity of diamond and square mesh cod ends for four by-catch species in the crustacean fishery off the Portuguese south coast
A Campos, P Fonseca, K Erzini
Fisheries Research 60 (1), 79-97, 2003
Gill-net selectivity off the Portuguese western coast
P Fonseca, R Martins, A Campos, P Sobral
Fisheries Research 73 (3), 323-339, 2005
Manual for gillnet selectivity
R Holst, N Madsen, T Moth-Poulsen, P Fonseca, A Campos
European Commission 43, 1998
Potential use of a Nordmøre grid for by-catch reduction in a Portuguese bottom-trawl multispecies fishery
P Fonseca, A Campos, B Mendes, RB Larsen
Fisheries Research 73 (1-2), 49-66, 2005
Selectivity of diamond and square mesh cod ends for horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), European hake (Merluccius merluccius) and axillary seabream (Pagellus acarne) in the …
A Campos, P Fonseca
Scientia Marina 67 (2), 249-260, 2003
Benthic habitat mapping in a Portuguese marine protected area using EUNIS: an integrated approach
V Henriques, MT Guerra, B Mendes, MJ Gaudêncio, P Fonseca
Journal of Sea Research 100, 77-90, 2015
Definition of fleet components in the Portuguese bottom trawl fishery
A Campos, P Fonseca, T Fonseca, J Parente
Fisheries Research 83 (2-3), 185-191, 2007
The use of separator panels and square mesh windows for by-catch reduction in the crustacean trawl fishery off the Algarve (South Portugal)
A Campos, P Fonseca
Fisheries research 69 (2), 147-156, 2004
Trawling for cephalopods off the Portuguese coast—fleet dynamics and landings composition
T Fonseca, A Campos, M Afonso-Dias, P Fonseca, J Pereira
Fisheries Research 92 (2-3), 180-188, 2008
Selectivity of diamond, hexagonal and square mesh codends for three commercial cephalopods in the Mediterranean
Z Tosunoğlu, C Aydın, A Salman, P Fonseca
Fisheries Research 97 (1-2), 95-102, 2009
Size selectivity for four fish species of the deep groundfish assemblage off the Portuguese southwest coast: evidence of mesh size, mesh configuration and cod end catch effects
A Campos, P Fonseca, V Henriques
Fisheries research 63 (2), 213-233, 2003
Codend selection in the deep-water crustacean trawl fishery in Portuguese southern waters
P Fonseca, A Campos, RB Millar
Fisheries Research 85 (1-2), 49-60, 2007
Bottom trawl codend selectivity for cephalopods in Portuguese continental waters
P Fonseca, A Campos, A Garcia
Fisheries Research 59 (1-2), 263-271, 2002
Relationships between opercula girth, maximum girth and total length of fish species caught in gillnet and trammel net selectivity surveys off the Portuguese coast
B Mendes, P Fonseca, A Campos
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22 (3), 209-213, 2006
A deep-water crinoid Leptometra celtica bed off the Portuguese south coast
P Fonseca, F Abrantes, R Aguilar, A Campos, M Cunha, D Ferreira, ...
Marine Biodiversity 44, 223-228, 2014
Survival of trawl-caught Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus L.) after capture and release—potential effect of codend mesh type on survival
A Campos, P Fonseca, T Pilar-Fonseca, AM Leocádio, M Castro
Fisheries Research 172, 415-422, 2015
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