Yinuo Noah Yao
Yinuo Noah Yao
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Texas A&M University
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Citované v
Bio-entrapped membrane reactor and salt marsh sediment membrane bioreactor for the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater: treatment performance and microbial communities
KK Ng, X Shi, Y Yao, HY Ng
Bioresource technology 171, 265-273, 2014
Impacts of nitrogen-containing coagulants on the nitritation/denitrification of anaerobic digester centrate
Z Wang, Y Yao, N Steiner, HH Cheng, Y Wu, SG Woo, CS Criddle
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6 (12), 3451-3459, 2020
Nitrogen removal as nitrous oxide for energy recovery: Increased process stability and high nitrous yields at short hydraulic residence times
Z Wang, SG Woo, Y Yao, HH Cheng, YJ Wu, CS Criddle
Water Research 173, 115575, 2020
The effects of particle clustering on hindered settling in high-concentration particle suspensions
Y Yao, CS Criddle, OB Fringer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 920, A40, 2021
Competing flow and collision effects in a monodispersed liquid–solid fluidized bed at a moderate Archimedes number
Y Yao, CS Criddle, OB Fringer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 927, A28, 2021
Robust Nitritation of anaerobic digester Centrate using dual stressors and timed alkali additions
Y Yao, Z Wang, CS Criddle
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (3), 2016-2026, 2021
CFD-accelerated bioreactor optimization: Reducing the hydrodynamic parameter space
Y Yao, OB Fringer, CS Criddle
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 8 (3), 456-464, 2022
Comparison of the properties of segregated layers in a bidispersed fluidized bed to those of a monodispersed fluidized bed
Y Yao, CS Criddle, OB Fringer
Physical Review Fluids 6 (8), 084306, 2021
A level-set immersed boundary method for reactive transport in complex topologies with moving interfaces
M Yousefzadeh, Y Yao, I Battiato
Journal of Computational Physics 478, 111958, 2023
Particle‐resolved simulations of four‐way coupled, polydispersed, particle‐laden flows
Y Yao, E Biegert, B Vowinckel, T Köllner, E Meiburg, S Balachandar, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2022
Non-intrusive hybrid scheme for multiscale heat transfer: Thermal runaway in a battery pack
YN Yao, P Harabin, M Behandish, I Battiato
Journal of Computational Science 73, 102133, 2023
Understanding flow dynamics in membrane distillation: Effects of reactor design on polarization
Y Yao, S Yu, I Battiato
Separation and Purification Technology, 123664, 2023
Harnessing the Power of Earth with Storage in Porous Formations: Advances in Experiments, Modeling, and Simulations Across Scales II Poster
YN Yao, LE Beckingham, KW Chang, S Baek, S Yu
AGU23, 2023
Using the level-set immersed boundary method (LS-IBM) to understand chemical reactions in porous formations
YN Yao, M Yousefzadeh, I Battiato
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (1548), H53Q-1548, 2023
Auto-detecting, adaptive, and two-dimensional hybrid method for heterogenous and homogenous reactions in porous media
YN Yao, I Battiato
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, H41E-03, 2023
A level-set immersed boundary method (LS-IBM) to study reactive transport in complex topologies with moving interfaces
YN Yao, M Yousefzadeh, I Battiato
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023
Auto-detecting adaptive hybrid method for reactive transport in porous media
Y Yao, I Battiato
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H15I-0901, 2022
Particle Resolved Simulations of Particle-Flow Interactions in Fluidized Beds to Optimize Design and Operation of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
Y Yao
Stanford University, 2021
Particle-resolved DNS (PR-DNS) to study the effect of flow and collisions in a monodispersed fluidized bed reactor
Y Yao, O Fringer, C Criddle
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, Y07. 005, 2020
Particle-resolved DNS (PR-DNS) to study the bulk settling velocity of poly-dispersed particles
Y Yao, O Fringer, C Criddle
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, Q19. 003, 2019
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