Matthias R. Hastall
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Citované v
News cues: Information scent and cognitive heuristics
SS Sundar, S Knobloch‐Westerwick, MR Hastall
Journal of the American society for information science and technology 58 (3 …, 2007
Imagery effects on the selective reading of Internet newsmagazines
S Knobloch, M Hastall, D Zillmann, C Callison
Communication Research 30 (1), 3-29, 2003
Affective news: Effects of discourse structure in narratives on suspense, curiosity, and enjoyment while reading news and novels
S Knobloch, G Patzig, AM Mende, M Hastall
Communication Research 31 (3), 259-287, 2004
Please your self: Social identity effects on selective exposure to news about in‐ and out‐groups
S Knobloch‐Westerwick, MR Hastall
Journal of Communication 60 (3), 515-535, 2010
“Likes” as social rewards: Their role in online social comparison and decisions to like other People's selfies
AM Rosenthal-von der Pütten, MR Hastall, S Köcher, C Meske, T Heinrich, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 92, 76-86, 2019
Social comparisons with news personae: Selective exposure to news portrayals of same-sex and same-age characters
S Knobloch-Westerwick, MR Hastall
Communication Research 33 (4), 262-284, 2006
Severity, efficacy, and evidence type as determinants of health message exposure
MR Hastall, S Knobloch-Westerwick
Health Communication 28 (4), 378-388, 2013
"Informational Utility": Der Einfluss der Selbstwirksamkeit auf die selektive Zuwendung zu Nachrichten
S Knobloch-Westerwick, MR Hastall, D Grimmer, J Brück
Publizistik 50 (4), 462-474, 2005
Coping or escaping? Effects of life dissatisfaction on selective exposure
S Knobloch-Westerwick, MR Hastall, M Rossmann
Communication Research 36 (2), 207-228, 2009
Platypus: Indoor localization and identification through sensing of electric potential changes in human bodies
T Grosse-Puppendahl, X Dellangnol, C Hatzfeld, B Fu, M Kupnik, ...
Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2016
Ambient intelligence from senior citizens’ perspectives: Understanding privacy concerns, technology acceptance, and expectations
F Kirchbuchner, T Grosse-Puppendahl, MR Hastall, M Distler, A Kuijper
Ambient Intelligence: 12th European Conference, AmI 2015, Athens, Greece …, 2015
The narrative engageability scale: A multidimensional trait measure for the propensity to become engaged in a story
H Bilandzic, F Sukalla, C Schnell, MR Hastall, RW Busselle
International Journal of Communication 13, 32, 2019
Informational utility as determinant of media choices
MR Hastall
Media choice, 163-180, 2009
Achieving end user acceptance: Building blocks for an evidence-based user-centered framework for health technology development and assessment
MR Hastall, C Dockweiler, J Mühlhaus
Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Human and Technological …, 2017
Do mass media shape stereotypes about intellectually gifted individuals? Two experiments on stigmatization effects from biased newspaper reports
S Bergold, MR Hastall, R Steinmayr
Gifted Child Quarterly 65 (1), 75-94, 2021
Usage of digital media by people with intellectual disabilities: Contrasting individuals’ and formal caregivers’ perspectives
VN Heitplatz, C Bühler, MR Hastall
Journal of intellectual disabilities 26 (2), 420-441, 2022
Kommunikation von Gesundheitsrisiken in Massenmedien
MR Hastall
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2011
How movies shape Students' attitudes toward individuals with schizophrenia: an exploration of the relationships between entertainment experience and stigmatization
A Röhm, MR Hastall, U Ritterfeld
Issues in mental health nursing 38 (3), 193-201, 2017
Neue Technologien in der Sprachtherapie
K Bilda, J Mühlhaus, U Ritterfeld, S Böhm, HA Euler, H Frieg, S Goetze, ...
Thieme Verlag, 2017
Caregivers’ influence on smartphone usage of people with cognitive disabilities: an explorative case study in Germany
VN Heitplatz, C Bühler, MR Hastall
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 98-115, 2019
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