Amiyaal Ilany
Citované v
Citované v
Acoustic sequences in non‐human animals: a tutorial review and prospectus
A Kershenbaum, DT Blumstein, MA Roch, Ç Akçay, G Backus, MA Bee, ...
Biological Reviews 91 (1), 13-52, 2016
Syntactic structure and geographical dialects in the songs of male rock hyraxes
A Kershenbaum, A Ilany, L Blaustein, E Geffen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1740), 2974-2981, 2012
Variance in centrality within rock hyrax social networks predicts adult longevity
A Barocas, A Ilany, L Koren, M Kam, E Geffen
PloS one 6 (7), e22375, 2011
Social inheritance can explain the structure of animal social networks
A Ilany, E Akçay
Nature Communications 7, 12084, 2016
Structural balance in the social networks of a wild mammal
A Ilany, A Barocas, L Koren, M Kam, E Geffen
Animal Behaviour 85 (6), 1397-1405, 2013
Topological effects of network structure on long‐term social network dynamics in a wild mammal
A Ilany, AS Booms, KE Holekamp
Ecology Letters 18 (7), 687-695, 2015
Highly dynamic animal contact network and implications on disease transmission
S Chen, BJ White, MW Sanderson, DE Amrine, A Ilany, C Lanzas
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4472, 2014
Wait before running for your life: defensive tactics of spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) in evading barn owl (Tyto alba) attack
A Ilany, D Eilam
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62, 923-933, 2008
Early life experience shapes male behavior and social networks in Drosophila
A Bentzur, S Ben-Shaanan, JIC Benichou, E Costi, M Levi, A Ilany, ...
Current Biology 31 (3), 486-501. e3, 2021
Rank-dependent social inheritance determines social network structure in spotted hyenas
A Ilany, KE Holekamp, E Akçay
Science 373 (6552), 348-352, 2021
The progression pattern of male hyrax songs and the role of climactic ending
V Demartsev, A Ilany, A Kershenbaum, Y Geva, O Margalit, I Schnitzer, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 2794, 2017
Analysing animal social network dynamics: the potential of stochastic actor‐orientated models
DN Fisher, A Ilany, MJ Silk, T Tregenza
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2017
The energy cost of singing in wild rock hyrax males: evidence for an index signal
A Ilany, A Barocas, M Kam, T Ilany, E Geffen
Animal Behaviour 85 (5), 995-1001, 2013
Male hyraxes increase song complexity and duration in the presence of alert individuals
V Demartsev, A Kershenbaum, A Ilany, A Barocas, E Bar Ziv, L Koren, ...
Behavioral Ecology 25 (6), 1451-1458, 2014
Macroevolution of life‐history traits in passerine birds: adaptation and phylogenetic inertia
J Pienaar, A Ilany, E Geffen, Y Yom‐Tov
Ecology Letters 16 (5), 571-576, 2013
Spatial-temporal dynamics of high-resolution animal networks: what can we learn from domestic animals?
S Chen, A Ilany, BJ White, MW Sanderson, C Lanzas
PloS one 10 (6), e0129253, 2015
Individual, social, and sexual niche traits affect copulation success in a polygynandrous mating system
E Bar Ziv, A Ilany, V Demartsev, A Barocas, E Geffen, L Koren
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70, 901-912, 2016
Shannon entropy as a robust estimator of Zipf's Law in animal vocal communication repertoires
A Kershenbaum, V Demartsev, DE Gammon, E Geffen, ML Gustison, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12 (3), 553-564, 2021
Personality and Social Networks: A Generative Model Approach
A Ilany, E Akçay
Integrative and Comparative Biology 56 (6), 1197-1205, 2016
The “Law of Brevity” in animal communication: Sex-specific signaling optimization is determined by call amplitude rather than duration
V Demartsev, N Gordon, A Barocas, E Bar-Ziv, T Ilany, Y Goll, A Ilany, ...
Evolution letters 3 (6), 623-634, 2019
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