Marek Giergiczny
Marek Giergiczny
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), University of Warsaw
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European mixed forests: definition and research perspectives
A Bravo-Oviedo, H Pretzsch, C Ammer, E Andenmatten, A Barbati, ...
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2014
Choice experiment assessment of public preferences for forest structural attributes
M Giergiczny, M Czajkowski, T Żylicz, P Angelstam
Ecological Economics 119, 8-23, 2015
Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management
M Czajkowski, W Budziński, D Campbell, M Giergiczny, N Hanley
Environmental and Resource Economics 68, 705-727, 2017
Learning and fatigue effects revisited: Investigating the effects of accounting for unobservable preference and scale heterogeneity
M Czajkowski, M Giergiczny, WH Greene
Land Economics 90 (2), 324-351, 2014
Non-market valuation of forest goods and services: Good practice guidelines
P Riera, G Signorello, M Thiene, PA Mahieu, S Navrud, P Kaval, ...
Journal of Forest Economics 18 (4), 259-270, 2012
Assessing impacts of intensified biomass production and biodiversity protection on ecosystem services provided by European forests
PJ Verkerk, R Mavsar, M Giergiczny, M Lindner, D Edwards, ...
Ecosystem Services 9, 155-165, 2014
Value of wild mushroom picking as an environmental service
JM de Aragón, P Riera, M Giergiczny, C Colinas
Forest policy and Economics 13 (6), 419-424, 2011
From valuation to governance: using choice experiment to value street trees
M Giergiczny, J Kronenberg
Ambio 43, 492-501, 2014
The economic recreational value of a white stork nesting colony: A case of ‘stork village’in Poland
M Czajkowski, M Giergiczny, J Kronenberg, P Tryjanowski
Tourism Management 40, 352-360, 2014
The international handbook on Non-market Environmental Valuation
J Bennett
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011
The influence of cheap talk on willingness-to-pay ranges: some empirical evidence from a contingent valuation study
PA Mahieu, P Riera, M Giergiczny
Journal of environmental planning and management 55 (6), 753-763, 2012
Providing preference-based support for forest ecosystem service management
M Czajkowski, A Bartczak, M Giergiczny, S Navrud, T Żylicz
Forest Policy and Economics 39, 1-12, 2014
The individual travel cost method with consumer-specific values of travel time savings
M Czajkowski, M Giergiczny, J Kronenberg, J Englin
Environmental and Resource Economics 74, 961-984, 2019
Determinants of willingness-to-pay for water pollution abatement: a point and interval data payment card application
PA Mahieu, P Riera, M Giergiczny
Journal of environmental management 108, 49-53, 2012
Does hunters’ willingness to pay match the best hunting options for biodiversity conservation? A choice experiment application for small-game hunting in Spain
M Delibes-Mateos, M Giergiczny, J Caro, J Viñuela, P Riera, B Arroyo
Biological Conservation 177, 36-42, 2014
Patriotic values for public goods: transnational trade-offs for biodiversity and ecosystem services?
M Dallimer, JB Jacobsen, TH Lundhede, K Takkis, M Giergiczny, ...
Bioscience 65 (1), 33-42, 2015
Rekreacyjna wartość Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego [Recreational value of the Białowieża National Park]
M Giergiczny, WOE Ekologicznej, U Długa
Ekonomia i Środowisko 2 (36), 117-127, 2009
Value of a statistical life—The case of Poland
M Giergiczny
Environmental and Resource Economics 41, 209-221, 2008
Preference and WTP stability for public forest management
M Czajkowski, A Bartczak, W Budziński, M Giergiczny, N Hanley
Forest Policy and Economics 71, 11-22, 2016
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable? A discrete choice experiment applied to the Scandinavian transboundary Fulufjället National Park Area
S Valasiuk, M Czajkowski, M Giergiczny, T Żylicz, K Veisten, I Landa Mata, ...
Restoration Ecology 26 (2), 370-380, 2018
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