Muna jaffer shamdeen
Muna jaffer shamdeen
University of Mosul , College of Computer Science and Mathematics
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uomosul.edu.iq
Encryption and Steganography a secret data using circle shapes in colored images
ZN Al-Kateeb, MJ Al-Shamdeen, FS Al-Mukhtar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1591 (1), 012019, 2020
An improved data hiding using pixel value difference method and hyperchaotic system
SA Fadhel, ZN Al-Kateeb, MJ AL-Shamdeen
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1879 (2), 022089, 2021
Metaheuristic algorithm for capital letters images recognition
MJ Al-Shamdeen, AN Younis, HA Younis
Computer Science 16 (2), 577-588, 2020
Performance evaluation for face mask detection based on mult modification of yolov8 architecture
ALS Muna, FM Ramo
Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska 14 (2 …, 2024
PSO Swarm intelligence technique to optimized ANN for demand forcasting
D Matrood, M Sedeeq
Proceedings of the 1 st International Multi-Disciplinary Conference Theme …, 2020
Deployment Yolov8 Model for Face Mask Detection Based on Amazon Web Service
MJ Al-Shamdeen, FM Ramo
International Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Artificial …, 2023
Improving Performance of Yolov5n v6. 0 for Face Mask Detection
MJ Al-Shamdeen, FM Ramo
2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and …, 2024
Hiding of Encrypted Data in Real and Imaginary Parts of Frequency Domain
MJ Al-Shamdeen, SA Fadhel
Dimensionality Reduction using Hybrid Algorithms and Their Application to Remote Sensing Data
M Hasso, M Siddiq
Al-Rafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics 10 (1), 333-349, 2013
اختيار أفضل حزمة باستخدام خوارزمية تحليل المركبات الأساسية على بيانات الاستشعار عن بعد
منى جعفر صديق, مهى عبد الرحمن حسو
AL-Rafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics 7 (3), 2010
Detect change between two identical coloured image using 8-bit exclusive-OR logical operation
MJ AL-Shamdeen
Removing objects and filling region in color images
FS Al-Mukhtar, MJ AL-Shamdeen
Partial Colorization Image and Dominant Colour Extraction Using Ant Colony Algorithm
MJ AL-Shamdeen, FS Al-Mukhtar
Sistem trenutno ne more izvesti postopka. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Članki 1–13