Augusto Nobre
Augusto Nobre
Department of Geosciences at Federal University of Santa Maria
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ufsm.br - Domača stran
Mineral nanotechnology in circular economy
AG Nobre, JAE Martínez, O Florêncio
Brazilian Technology Symposium, 220-226, 2020
Graphene geology and the fourth industrial revolution
AG Nobre, LPN da Silva, FRD de Andrade
Brazilian Technology Symposium, 342-348, 2021
Passive continental margin subducted to mantle depths: Coesite-bearing metasedimentary rocks from the Neoproterozoic Brasília Orogen, West Gondwana margin
MCC Neto, GL Frugis, A Westin, R Caby, AG Nobre, O Brugier, RA Ando
Precambrian Research 410, 107469, 2024
Simulation of geological graphene genesis by the piston-cylinder apparatus
AG Nobre, AF Salazar-Naranjo, FRD Andrade, SRF Vlach, RA Ando
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 27 (4), e20220122, 2022
The action of shear zones in the natural availability of graphite nanoplatelets: the example of the metadolomites of the Itaiacoca Group and the mica schist of the Dom Silverio …
AG Nobre, JAE Martínez, MC Terence, O Florêncio
Braz. J. Anim. Environ. Res 3 (4), 3108-3118, 2020
F/OH ratio in a rare fluorine-poor blue topaz from Padre Paraíso (Minas Gerais, Brazil) to unravel topaz’s ambient of formation
N Precisvalle, A Martucci, L Gigli, JR Plaisier, TC Hansen, AG Nobre, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 2666, 2021
Electrical Resistance Evolution of Graphite and Talc Geological Heterostructures under Progressive Metamorphism
AG Nobre, FRD de Andrade, AF Salazar-Naranjo, JN Rigue, RB da Silva, ...
C 9 (3), 75, 2023
Considerations about highly crystalline cellulose microfiber additive from Eucalyptus grandis for 3D-printing acrylonitrile butadiene styrene filament
M Sanchez, AG Nobre, JAE Martinez, JF Campanaro, VML Vargas
Mater. Sci. Addit. Manuf 2, 1000, 2023
Petrological Retrospective and Technological Potentials of Magnetite Nanolites in Volcanic Glasses
AG Nobre, FRD de Andrade
Brazilian Technology Symposium, 288-295, 2022
História e desenvolvimento da ciência meteorítica
AG Nobre, GEE Rojas, ALPR Fonseca, O Florêncio
Terrae Didatica 17, e021041-e021041, 2021
Influence of different oxidation mechanisms on the exfoliation of intercalated graphite bisulfate using two types of graphite
JAE Martinez, M Sanchez Junior, AN Golçalves, RMM Orrego, ...
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 26, e12993, 2021
A ação de zonas de cisalhamento na disponibilização natural de nanoplaquetas de grafita: o exemplo dos metadolomitos do Grupo Itaiacoca e dos xistos do Grupo Dom Silvério
AG Nobre, JAE Martínez, MC Terence, O Florêncio
Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research 3 (4), 3108-3118, 2020
Disciplinas de Geociências do Bacharelado em Engenharia de Petróleo da Universidade de São Paulo comparadas com a proposta curricular da Society of Petroleum Engineers
AG Nobre, PA de Andrade, O Florêncio
Terræ Didatica 16, e020020-e020020, 2020
Graphite/metal electrodes for electrochemical exfoliation: few layers graphene with low defects
FC Rodrigues, GA Nobre, EE da Silva, MC Terence, JAG Carrió
Defect and Diffusion Forum 371, 131-134, 2017
Geodiversity Elements of Geological Collections as Ex Situ Teaching Tool: The Example of the Geography Department at the Federal University of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
AG Nobre, M Meurer, JF Campanaro, AW de Borba
Geoheritage 16 (1), 14, 2024
Classificação de meteoritos: Histórico, estado da arte e reflexões críticas
AG Nobre, O Florêncio, JF Campanaro, ES Cardozo
Open Science Research VII. Editora Científica Digital, 434-449, 2022
Estudo de origem e caracterização nanotecnológica de heteroestruturas minerais bidimensionais de talco e grafita
AG Nobre, FRD Andrade
A ocorrência natural de níquel e cromo (III) em água subterrânea nos complexos ultrabásicos e alcalinos, o exemplo de Jacupiranga
AN Gonçalves
Silva HC, organizador. Gestão de Recursos Hídricos e Sustentabilidade 3, 173-81, 0
Pressure-Temperature-time paths from metapelites reveal Neoproterozoic continental crust underthrusting related to the West Gondwana amalgamation
A Westin, M Tedeschi, MCC Neto, GL Luvizotto, RG Motta, AG Nobre, ...
Lithos 490, 107865, 2024
Unveiling CCS Potential of the Rio Bonito Formation, Paraná Basin, southern Brazil: The Dawsonite Discovery
LL Mallmann, AG Nobre, F Chemale Jr, RG Netto, PSG Paim, ...
Mineralogy and Petrology 118 (4), 501-512, 2024
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