Haematological, biochemical and antioxidant changes in Wistar rats exposed to dichlorvos based insecticide formulation used in Southeast Nigeria KC Kanu, SN Ijioma, O Atiata Toxics 4 (4), 28, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
GCMS analysis of phytocomponents in the methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera leave KK Igwe, PO Nwankwo, IE Otuokere, SN Ijioma, F Amaku J Res Pharm Sci 2 (11), 1-6, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Histological exhibition of the gastroprotective effect of Moringa oleifera leaf extract SN Ijioma, EN Nwaogazi, AA Nwankwo, H Oshilonya, CM Ekeleme, ... Comparative clinical pathology 27, 327-332, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
Hypoglycemic, hematologic and lipid profile effects of Chromolaena odorata ethanol leaf extract in alloxan induced diabetic rats SC Ijioma, S.N.,Okafor, A.I. Ndukuba, P.I., Nwankwo, A.A. and Akomas Annals of Biological Sciences 2 (3), 27-32, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
Glucose level, Haematological parameters and lipid profile in Ficus sur treated diabetic rats SN Akomas, S.C Okafor A.I., Ijioma Comprehensive Journal of Agricultural and Biological sciences 2 (1), 5-11, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Bleeding and Clotting time effects of ethanolic extracts of Chromolaena odorata versus Ocimum gratissimum treated albino rats. , 2(1): 9-13. SN Akomas S.C and Ijioma Comprehensive Journal of Medical Sciences 2 (1), 9-13, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Semen quality, hormone profile and histological changes in male albino rats treated with Corchorus olitorius leaf extract D Orieke, OC Ohaeri, II Ijeh, SN Ijioma Avicenna journal of phytomedicine 9 (6), 551, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Identification of phytocomponents and acute toxicity evaluation of Corchorus olitorius leaf extract. SN 32. Orieke, D., Ohaeri, O.C., Ijeh, I.I., Ijioma European Journal of Medicinal Plants 23 (1), 1-16, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Effects of Euphorbia hirta on haematological and biochemical indices in albino rats. CU Akomas, S.C., Ijioma, S.N. and Emelike Applied Journal of Hygiene 4 (1), 1-5, 2015 | 23 | 2015 |
Antinociceptive property of Costus afer stem Juice and ethanol leaf extract in albino rats AA Ijioma, S.N., Nwosu, C.O., Emelike C.U., Okafor, A.I. Nwankwo Comprehensive Journal of Medical Science 2 (2), 14-19, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Gastrointestinal and uterine smooth muscles relaxant and anti-inflammatory effects of Corchorus olitorius leaf extract in laboratory animal models D Orieke, OC Ohaeri, II Ijeh, SN Ijioma Journal of ethnopharmacology 247, 112224, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Phytochemical characterization, anti-diarrhoeal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory activities and toxicity profile of Ananas comosus (L.) Merr (pineapple) leaf in albino rats EA Ugbogu, H Okoro, O Emmanuel, OC Ugbogu, CN Ekweogu, M Uche, ... Journal of Ethnopharmacology 319, 117224, 2024 | 19 | 2024 |
Evaluation of toxicity profile and pharmacological potentials of Aju Mbaise polyherbal extract in rats SN Ijioma, O Emmanuel, CI Nosiri, EA Ugbogu Scientific african 11, e00681, 2021 | 18 | 2021 |
Antioxidant potentials and effects on the hematology and osmotic fragility scores of a polyherbal formulation used in Southeast Nigeria SN Ijioma, EE Osim, AA Nwankwo, CO Nwosu, CM Ekeleme Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 30 (4), 20170099, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Phytochemical profiling, toxicity studies, wound healing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Musa paradisiaca L. Musaceae (Plantain) stem extract in rats CN Ekweogu, EI Akubugwo, O Emmanuel, CI Nosiri, ME Uche, ... Journal of Ethnopharmacology 322, 117639, 2024 | 15 | 2024 |
Hypoglycemic, Hematologic and Hypolipidemic Activity of Mucuna pruriens ethanol leaf extract in alloxan induced diabetic rats SN Akomas S.C., Okafor A.I., and Ijioma Annual Research and Review in Biology 4 (24), 4284-4292, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Oxytocic effect of Ananas comosus fruit juice on isolated pregnant rats uteri NO Nwankudu, NU Ndibe, SN Ijioma Nigerian Veterinary Journal 36 (4), 1318-1326, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Hypoglycemic, hematologic and hypolipidemic activity of Jatropha tanjorensis ethanol leaf extract in alloxan induced diabetic rats SC Ijioma. S.N., Okafor, A.I., Ndukuba, P.I and Akomas Annals of Biological Research 5 (9), 15-19, 2014 | 14* | 2014 |
Haematoprotective and red blood cell membrane stabilizing effects of Justicia carnae leaf extracts in sodium nitrate-treated rats E Mbanaso, A Nwankwo, SN Ijioma, O Emmanuel, EA Ugbogu, ... Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology 32 (1), 20190275, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Protective effects of coconut water against the intraperitoneal infused carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity—evaluations of biochemical, haematological and histopathological … O Emmanuel, I Elekwa, C Paul-Joseph, VC Ude, OG Egedeuzu, ... Bulletin of the National Research Centre 46 (1), 206, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |