Felix Büsching
Felix Büsching
Ostfalia - Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
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Leveraging RF-channel fluctuation for activity recognition: Active and passive systems, continuous and RSSI-based signal features
S Sigg, S Shi, F Buesching, Y Ji, L Wolf
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing …, 2013
Leveraging RF-channel fluctuation for activity recognition: Active and passive systems, continuous and RSSI-based signal features
S Sigg, S Shi, F Buesching, Y Ji, L Wolf
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing …, 2013
Leveraging RF-channel fluctuation for activity recognition
S Sigg, S Shi, F Büsching, Y Ji, L Wolf
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile …, 2013
DroidCluster: Towards Smartphone Cluster Computing--The Streets are Paved with Potential Computer Clusters
F Büsching, S Schildt, L Wolf
Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW), 2012 32nd International …, 2012
The GINSENG System for Wireless Monitoring and Control: Design and Deployment Experiences
T O'Donovan, J Brown, F Buesching, A Cardoso, J Cecilio, P Futado, P Gil, ...
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 10 (3), 2014
Architecture and evaluation of INGA an inexpensive node for general applications
F Büsching, U Kulau, L Wolf
Sensors, 2012 IEEE, 1-4, 2012
Architecture and evaluation of INGA an inexpensive node for general applications
F Büsching, U Kulau, L Wolf
Sensors, 2012 IEEE, 1-4, 2012
Monitoring systems for the support of home care
A Hein, S Winkelbach, B Martens, O Wilken, M Eichelberg, J Spehr, ...
Informatics for Health and Social Care 35 (3-4), 157-176, 2010
Comparison and validation of capacitive accelerometers for health care applications
F Büsching, U Kulau, M Gietzelt, L Wolf
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 106 (2), 79-88, 2012
The Lower Saxony research network design of environments for ageing: towards interdisciplinary research on information and communication technologies in ageing societies
R Haux, A Hein, M Eichelberg, JE Appell, HJ Appelrath, C Bartsch, ...
Informatics for Health and Social Care 35 (3-4), 92-103, 2010
Information and communication technologies for promoting and sustaining quality of life, health and self-sufficiency in ageing societies–outcomes of the Lower Saxony Research …
R Haux, A Hein, G Kolb, H Künemund, M Eichelberg, JE Appell, ...
Informatics for Health and Social Care 39 (3-4), 166-187, 2014
Data Elevators: Applying the Bundle Protocol in Delay Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks
WB Pöttner, F Büsching, G von Zengen, L Wolf
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and …, 2012
No-cost distance estimation using standard WSN radios
G von Zengen, Y Schröder, S Rottmann, F Büsching, LC Wolf
IEEE INFOCOM 2016-The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2016
Dynamic sample rate adaptation for long-term IoT sensing applications
U Kulau, J van Balen, S Schildt, F Büsching, L Wolf
2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 271-276, 2016
Demo: A Node’s Life–Increasing WSN Lifetime by Dynamic Voltage Scaling
U Kulau, WB Pöttner, F Büsching, L Wolf
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 2013
A Node’s Life: Increasing WSN Lifetime by Dynamic Voltage Scaling
U Kulau, F Büsching, L Wolf
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 2013
The gal middleware platform for aal
M Eichelberg, A Hein, F Büsching, L Wolf
The 12th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications …, 2010
The GAL Middleware Platform for AAL
M Eichelberg, A Hein, F Büsching, L Wolf
e-Health Networking Applications and Services (Healthcom), 2010 12th IEEE …, 2010
An Overview of μDTN: Unifying DTNs and WSNs
G von Zengen, F Büsching, WB Pöttner, L Wolf
Proceedings of the 11th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch ¨Drahtlose Sensornetze¨, 40-43, 2012
Jose Do Ó, Pedro Furtado, Paulo Gil, Anja Jugel, Wolf-Bastian Pöttner, Utz Roedig, Jorge Sá Silva, Ricardo Silva, Cormac J. Sreenan, Vasos Vassiliou, Thiemo Voigt, Lars Wolf …
T O'donovan, J Brown, F Büsching, A Cardoso, J Cecílio
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 10 (1), 1-40, 2013
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