Robert Schwartz
Robert Schwartz
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Soil water sensing for water balance, ET and WUE
SR Evett, RC Schwartz, JJ Casanova, LK Heng
Agricultural Water Management 104, 1-9, 2012
Assessing indices for predicting potential nitrogen mineralization in soils under different management systems
HH Schomberg, S Wietholter, TS Griffin, DW Reeves, ML Cabrera, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (5), 1575-1586, 2009
Tillage effects on soil water redistribution and bare soil evaporation throughout a season
RC Schwartz, RL Baumhardt, SR Evett
Soil and Tillage Research 110 (2), 221-229, 2010
Soil hydraulic properties of cropland compared with reestablished and native grassland
RC Schwartz, SR Evett, PW Unger
Geoderma 116 (1-2), 47-60, 2003
Can weighing lysimeter ET represent surrounding field ET well enough to test flux station measurements of daily and sub-daily ET?
SR Evett, RC Schwartz, TA Howell, RL Baumhardt, KS Copeland
Advances in Water Resources 50, 79-90, 2012
Soil profile water content determination: Spatiotemporal variability of electromagnetic and neutron probe sensors in access tubes
SR Evett, RC Schwartz, JA Tolk, TA Howell
Vadose Zone Journal 8 (4), 926-941, 2009
Soil profile method for soil thermal diffusivity, conductivity and heat flux: Comparison to soil heat flux plates
SR Evett, N Agam, WP Kustas, PD Colaizzi, RC Schwartz
Advances in Water Resources 50, 41-54, 2012
Soil water depletion and root distribution of three dryland crops
TS Moroke, RC Schwartz, KW Brown, ASR Juo
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (1), 197-205, 2005
Complex permittivity model for time domain reflectometry soil water content sensing: I. Theory
RC Schwartz, SR Evett, MG Pelletier, JM Bell
Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (3), 886-897, 2009
Estimating parameters for a dual-porosity model to describe non-equilibrium, reactive transport in a fine-textured soil
RC Schwartz, ASR Juo, KJ McInnes
Journal of Hydrology 229 (3-4), 149-167, 2000
Mean flow and shear stress distributions as influenced by vegetative windbreak structure
RC Schwartz, DW Fryrear, BL Harris, JD Bilbro, ASR Juo
Agricultural and forest meteorology 75 (1-3), 1-22, 1995
Nitrogen requirements for ethanol production from sweet and photoperiod sensitive sorghums in the Southern High Plains
PL Tamang, KF Bronson, A Malapati, R Schwartz, J Johnson, ...
Agronomy Journal 103 (2), 431-440, 2011
Deficit irrigation effects on yield and yield components of grain sorghum
JM Bell, R Schwartz, KJ McInnes, T Howell, CLS Morgan
Agricultural Water Management 203, 289-296, 2018
Estimating hydraulic properties of a fine‐textured soil using a disc infiltrometer
RC Schwartz, SR Evett
Soil Science Society of America Journal 66 (5), 1409-1423, 2002
Cropping system influences on soil physical properties in the Great Plains
JL Pikul Jr, RC Schwartz, JG Benjamin, RL Baumhardt, S Merrill
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 21 (1), 15-25, 2006
Boundary effects on solute transport in finite soil columns
RC Schwartz, KJ McInnes, ASR Juo, LP Wilding, DL Reddell
Water resources research 35 (3), 671-681, 1999
Residue and long‐term tillage and crop rotation effects on simulated rain infiltration and sediment transport
RL Baumhardt, GL Johnson, RC Schwartz
Soil Science Society of America Journal 76 (4), 1370-1378, 2012
Resolving discrepancies between laboratory-determined field capacity values and field water content observations: Implications for irrigation management
SR Evett, KC Stone, RC Schwartz, SA O’Shaughnessy, PD Colaizzi, ...
Irrigation Science 37, 751-759, 2019
Complex permittivity model for time domain reflectometry soil water content sensing: II. Calibration
RC Schwartz, SR Evett, JM Bell
Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (3), 898-909, 2009
Evaluation of a direct-coupled time-domain reflectometry for determination of soil water content and bulk electrical conductivity
RC Schwartz, SR Evett, SK Anderson, DJ Anderson
Vadose Zone Journal 15 (1), vzj2015. 08.0115, 2016
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