Jennifer A. Devine
Jennifer A. Devine
Researcher, NIWA
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na niwa.co.nz
Deep-sea fishes qualify as endangered
JA Devine, KD Baker, RL Haedrich
Nature 439 (7072), 29-29, 2006
Synergies between climate and management for Atlantic cod fisheries at high latitudes
OS Kjesbu, B Bogstad, JA Devine, H Gjøsæter, D Howell, RB Ingvaldsen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (9), 3478-3483, 2014
Modelling and forecasting stock–recruitment: current and future perspectives
S Subbey, JA Devine, U Schaarschmidt, RDM Nash
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (8), 2307-2322, 2014
Spatial and seasonal variation in nutrient excretion by benthic invertebrates in a eutrophic reservoir
JA Devine, MJ Vanni
Freshwater biology 47 (6), 1107-1121, 2002
Comparing rates of contemporary evolution in life-history traits for exploited fish stocks
JA Devine, PJ Wright, HE Pardoe, M Heino
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69 (6), 1105-1120, 2012
Unraveling the recruitment problem: A review of environmentally-informed forecasting and management strategy evaluation
MA Haltuch, EN Brooks, J Brodziak, JA Devine, KF Johnson, N Klibansky, ...
Fisheries Research 217, 198-216, 2019
Deep-sea fishes in Canada’s Atlantic: population declines and predicted recovery times
KD Baker, JA Devine, RL Haedrich
Environmental Biology of Fishes 85 (1), 79-88, 2009
Acoustic estimates of mesopelagic fish: as clear as day and night?
RL O'driscoll, S Gauthier, JA Devine
ICES Journal of Marine Science 66 (6), 1310-1317, 2009
Behavior of individual mesopelagic fish in acoustic scattering layers of Norwegian fjords
S Kaartvedt, T Torgersen, TA Klevjer, A Røstad, JA Devine
Inter-Research, 2008
Predictors of species richness in the deep-benthic fauna of the northern Gulf of Mexico
RL Haedrich, JA Devine, VJ Kendall
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55 (24-26), 2650-2656, 2008
Ecosystem indicators for New Zealand fisheries
ID Tuck, R Cole, JA Devine
Ministry of Fisheries, 2009
A global database of nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates of aquatic animals
MJ Vanni, PB McIntyre, D Allen, DL Arnott, JP Benstead, DJ Berg, ...
Ecology, 2017
Evaluation of potential sustainability of deep-sea fisheries for grenadiers (Macrouridae)
JA Devine, L Watling, G Cailliet, J Drazen, P Durán Muñoz, AM Orlov, ...
Journal of Ichthyology 52, 709-721, 2012
Sea temperature is the primary driver of recent and predicted fish community structure across Northeast Atlantic shelf seas
LA Rutterford, SD Simpson, B Bogstad, JA Devine, MJ Genner
Global Change Biology 29 (9), 2510-2521, 2023
Changes in reproductive strategy in the ruffe during a period of establishment in a new habitat
JA Devine, CE Adams, PS Maitland
Journal of Fish Biology 56 (6), 1488-1496, 2000
Descriptive Analysis of the Commercial Catch and Effort Data for New Zealand Hake (Merluccius Australis) for the 1989-90 to 2005-06 Fishing Years
JA Devine
Ministry of Fisheries, 2009
The role of environmental conditions and exploitation in determining dynamics of redfish (Sebastes species) in the Northwest Atlantic
JA Devine, RL Haedrich
Fisheries Oceanography 20 (1), 66-81, 2011
Investigating the drivers of maturation dynamics in Barents Sea haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
JA Devine, M Heino
Fisheries Research 110 (3), 441-449, 2011
Making use of Johan Hjort's “unknown” legacy: reconstruction of a 150-year coastal time-series on northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) liver data reveals long-term …
OS Kjesbu, AF Opdal, K Korsbrekke, JA Devine, JE Skjæraasen
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (8), 2053-2063, 2014
Marine Ecological Field Methods
AGV Salvanes, J Devine, KH Jensen, JT Hestetun, K Sjøtun, H Glenner
West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018
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