Timofei Istomin
Timofei Istomin
Staff Software Design Engineer at Qorvo
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Rpl: The routing standard for the internet of things... or is it?
O Iova, P Picco, T Istomin, C Kiraly
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (12), 16-22, 2016
Data prediction+ synchronous transmissions= ultra-low power wireless sensor networks
T Istomin, AL Murphy, GP Picco, U Raza
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems CD …, 2016
TALLA: Large-scale TDoA Localization with Ultra-wideband Radios
D Vecchia, P Corbalán, T Istomin, GP Picco
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2019
D-RPL: Overcoming memory limitations in RPL point-to-multipoint routing
C Kiraly, T Istomin, O Iova, GP Picco
2015 IEEE 40th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 157-160, 2015
Interference-resilient ultra-low power aperiodic data collection
T Istomin, M Trobinger, AL Murphy, GP Picco
2018 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in …, 2018
Playing with fire: Exploring concurrent transmissions in ultra-wideband radios
D Vecchia, P Corbalán, T Istomin, GP Picco
2019 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2019
WaCo: A Wake-Up Radio COOJA Extension for Simulating Ultra Low Power Radios.
R Piyare, T Istomin, AL Murphy
EWSN, 48-53, 2017
Is RPL ready for actuation? A comparative evaluation in a smart city scenario
T Istomin, C Kiraly, GP Picco
European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, 291-299, 2015
Trident: In-field connectivity assessment for wireless sensor networks
T Istomin, R Marfievici, AL Murphy, GP Picco
Proceedings of the 6th extreme conference on communication and computing …, 2014
Concurrent Transmissions for Multi-hop Communication on Ultra-wideband Radios.
D Lobba, M Trobinger, D Vecchia, T Istomin, GP Picco
EWSN, 132-143, 2020
One flood to route them all: Ultra-fast convergecast of concurrent flows over UWB
M Trobinger, D Vecchia, D Lobba, T Istomin, GP Picco
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 179-191, 2020
Poster: Enabling Contiki on Ultra-wideband Radios.
P Corbalán, T Istomin, GP Picco
EWSN, 171-172, 2018
Janus: Dual-radio accurate and energy-efficient proximity detection
T Istomin, E Leoni, D Molteni, AL Murphy, GP Picco, M Griva
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2021
The wireless control bus: Enabling efficient multi-hop event-triggered control with concurrent transmissions
M Trobinger, G de Albuquerque Gleizer, T Istomin, M Mazo Jr, AL Murphy, ...
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS) 6 (1), 1-29, 2021
Measuring close proximity interactions in summer camps during the COVID-19 pandemic
E Leoni, G Cencetti, G Santin, T Istomin, D Molteni, GP Picco, E Farella, ...
EPJ Data Science 11 (1), 5, 2022
Competition: CRYSTAL Clear: Making Interference Transparent.
M Trobinger, T Istomin, AL Murphy, GP Picco
EWSN 18, 217-218, 2018
Route or flood? Reliable and efficient support for downward traffic in RPL
T Istomin, O Iova, GP Picco, C Kiraly
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 16 (1), 1-41, 2019
Janus: Efficient and accurate dual-radio social contact detection
T Istomin, E Leoni, D Molteni, AL Murphy, GP Picco, M Griva
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.01514, 2021
Small PLaNS Towards Mars: Exploiting Ultra-wideband for Self-localizing Rover Navigation.
N Janicijevic, P Corbalán, T Istomin, GP Picco, E Varriale
EWSN, 199-200, 2018
Pre-compiling device
J Koo, S Pyptev, T Istomin, WS Kang
US Patent 7,761,860, 2010
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