Prasher S O
Prasher S O
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Comparison of multiple linear and nonlinear regression, autoregressive integrated moving average, artificial neural network, and wavelet artificial neural network methods for …
J Adamowski, H Fung Chan, SO Prasher, B Ozga‐Zielinski, A Sliusarieva
Water resources research 48 (1), 2012
Thermal processing effects on the functional properties and microstructure of lentil, chickpea, and pea flours
Z Ma, JI Boye, BK Simpson, SO Prasher, D Monpetit, L Malcolmson
Food Research International 44 (8), 2534-2544, 2011
Three‐dimensional quantification of macropore networks in undisturbed soil cores
J Perret, SO Prasher, A Kantzas, C Langford
Soil Science Society of America Journal 63 (6), 1530-1543, 1999
Artificial neural networks to predict corn yield from Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager data
Y Uno, SO Prasher, R Lacroix, PK Goel, Y Karimi, A Viau, RM Patel
Computers and electronics in agriculture 47 (2), 149-161, 2005
Pork quality and marbling level assessment using a hyperspectral imaging system
J Qiao, MO Ngadi, N Wang, C Gariépy, SO Prasher
Journal of Food Engineering 83 (1), 10-16, 2007
Classification of hyperspectral data by decision trees and artificial neural networks to identify weed stress and nitrogen status of corn
PK Goel, SO Prasher, RM Patel, JA Landry, RB Bonnell, AA Viau
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 39 (2), 67-93, 2003
Evaluating three hydrological distributed watershed models: MIKE-SHE, APEX, SWAT
G Golmohammadi, S Prasher, A Madani, R Rudra
Hydrology 1 (1), 20-39, 2014
Removal of selected metal ions from aqueous solutions using chitosan flakes
Separation Science and Technology 35 (4), 547-560, 2000
Application of support vector machine technology for weed and nitrogen stress detection in corn
Y Karimi, SO Prasher, RM Patel, SH Kim
Computers and electronics in agriculture 51 (1-2), 99-109, 2006
Using causal loop diagrams for the initialization of stakeholder engagement in soil salinity management in agricultural watersheds in developing countries: A case study in the …
A Inam, J Adamowski, J Halbe, S Prasher
Journal of environmental management 152, 251-267, 2015
Prediction of drip-loss, pH, and color for pork using a hyperspectral imaging technique
J Qiao, N Wang, MO Ngadi, A Gunenc, M Monroy, C Gariepy, SO Prasher
Meat science 76 (1), 1-8, 2007
The effect of composting on the degradation of a veterinary pharmaceutical
J Ramaswamy, SO Prasher, RM Patel, SA Hussain, SF Barrington
Bioresource technology 101 (7), 2294-2299, 2010
Potential of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing to detect nitrogen deficiency and weed infestation in corn
PK Goel, SO Prasher, JA Landry, RM Patel, RB Bonnell, AA Viau, ...
Computers and electronics in agriculture 38 (2), 99-124, 2003
Application of decision tree technology for image classification using remote sensing data
CC Yang, SO Prasher, P Enright, C Madramootoo, M Burgess, PK Goel, ...
Agricultural Systems 76 (3), 1101-1117, 2003
Evaluation of pedotransfer functions in predicting the soil water contents at field capacity and wilting point
J Givi, SO Prasher, RM Patel
Agricultural water management 70 (2), 83-96, 2004
Measuring performance in precision agriculture: CART—A decision tree approach
T Waheed, RB Bonnell, SO Prasher, E Paulet
Agricultural water management 84 (1-2), 173-185, 2006
Comparison of multivariate adaptive regression splines with coupled wavelet transform artificial neural networks for runoff forecasting in Himalayan micro-watersheds with …
J Adamowski, HF Chan, SO Prasher, VN Sharda
Journal of hydroinformatics 14 (3), 731-744, 2012
Application of artificial neural networks in image recognition and classification of crop and weeds
CC Yang, SO Prasher, JA Landry, A DiTommaso
Canadian agricultural engineering 42 (3), 147-152, 2000
Comparative study of the composition and thermal properties of protein isolates prepared from nine Phaseolus vulgaris legume varieties
X Rui, JI Boye, S Ribereau, BK Simpson, SO Prasher
Food Research International 44 (8), 2497-2504, 2011
Estimation of crop biophysical parameters through airborne and field hyperspectral remote sensing
PK Goel, SO Prasher, JA Landry, RM Patel, AA Viau, JR Miller
Transactions of the ASAE 46 (4), 1235, 2003
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